ch. 4

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"Girl what the hell you still doing here" Its the next morning and I dont know how I fell asleep on this girl. "damn my bad I went to sleep as soon as you did, I didnt think you would mind." Ezra says. I dont think she know im in college and I have class at 11, so I began to tell her. "Its only 8:54, let me take you to breakfast right quick" I couldnt believe how sweet she was being. I couldnt believe I fell asleep on a stranger in my house. I also couldnt wait to call Say and tell her about this crazy shit.
Within the next 45 minutes i was done getting ready while Ezra watched me and complimented me the whole time. I felt like I never got this before, she was showing me something different, but i knew getting my hopes up too early would only put my feelings at jeopardy. As we leave the apartment, in the garage she opens the door for me to get in. As we got to Yolk in the west loop, she opened the door for me to get out. I never had this before. I couldnt believe it. "Hi can I get the combo meal with a extra side of sausage links" Before i know it from all the talking we were doing, it was 10:50 and im nowhere near my college to make it in time. "i'll skip class today it was my only one". She payed for our tab and we head to my hairstylist shop to see if I could get a squeeze in. She drops me off which gives me the opportunity to gossip with Say about this new girl im starting to feel for.

"wayment, SHE STAYED after you went to sleep? the hell. Shit I probably would let her if she leave some money on my couch." Saylor explains. Saylor is my bestest friend. We met in 7th grade and been friends ever since. Shes back in california and knows how bad I want her to come live with me. "im in a 3 bedroom all alone, come spend a month or three with me!?" I ask.
In the next 10 minutes I was putting Saylor Gabrielle in southwest airlines website and paying $97 for my bestfriend to visit me. I couldnt be happier.

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