ch. 2

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         "Damnit" I said to myself. I walk into wingstop, "Can I get a 8pc boneless meal, mild with extra seasoning on the fries." They told me it'll be 15 minutes so I ran to 7 eleven to get some snacks. As i pull in my parking spot I see this black Benz parked "cant be, I need to see who driving this mafucka" I say to myself. Just as I open my door to get out I see ezra walking out the store and to the black Benz driver door. "Ezra?" I appalled. " fuck you doin, stalkin me?" she replied. "why are you so rude? you nice looking I just want to make conversation." As I say this she opens her door and gets in her car.

15 minutes have passed by and I go get my food. As I get to my parking slot , this black Benz is in my vision again, parked in slot 512. Our slot is based off of our apartment number, if im 514, she had to live close as shit to me. As I make it back to my apartment and eating my food, A knock is at my door. Who the hell is at my door at 9:30? "Wassup, what you want? and how the hell you know where I live?" Me confusingly speaking to Ezra, she replies "look I apologize for coming off rude, I been having a terrible day and every time I see you some bad shit just going on, I know where you live because I seen you parked in 514 when I went to go get my weed out the car."

Before I know it shes in my apartment and we are chopping it up with Kaash Paige to our ears. Until I hear another knock at my door. "could my music be to loud? is someone about to give me hell?" I thought in my head. Nope, Alicia right in my door.

A thin line between love and hate.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя