𝟎.𝟏| 𝑨𝒏 𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒂𝒕𝒆

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From my rotting body,

flowers shall grow and I am in them, and that is eternity.

~Edvard Munch

Anger was the first thing that met her.

Her mind stirring as something dared to pierce through the haze of blissful sleep she had been so delicately enraptured in, leaving her head aching as whatever it was had the gall to continue making it's harsh noise.

A dull, constant buzz coming from her bedside refused to cease and allow her to return to her half-slumber.

Katsuki drew in a slow, steady breath as she cracked open her eyes, attempting to blink the sleep from her tired, heavy eyes as she stared into the dull darkness of her elegant bedroom.

Shifting from underneath the comfort of her warm covers and toasty electric blanket, simply wrapping herself up tighter in the covers and turning her back on whatever it was that dared disturb her precious sleep.

And as though it could sense her rage, it stopped. The lull of sleep attempting to pull her back in as she closed her eyes.

Only for that cursed buzzing noise to interrupt her once again.

Eyes snapping open, she slowly turned towards her bedside table, messy pale blonde hair falling around her as she did so. Met with cold air as her thin pale arm reached out from underneath her covers, snatching up the thing that had the audacity to disturb her slumber, not once but twice.

Recoiling at the glaring brightness of her smartphone screen as a familiar name and face greeted her, a boy with short neat blond hair somewhat like her own, delicate porcelain pale skin and dark sky blue eyes, the wide grin on the photo's face only serving to irritate her.

Gritting her teeth, she pressed answer and belted into the phone in a raspy voice. 'TAMAKI, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT AT 5:30 IN THE MORNING?!' Heaving for breath, she realized in her anger she'd yelled at him in English rather than Japanese.

But the one on the other side of the phone, Tamaki Suoh, understood only a few words of English, with those being the exact words he just so happened to understand.

Since it was always what Katsuki shouted at him whenever he on impulse decided to wake her up at some ungodly hour and disturb her rest.

He hesitated ever so slightly. 'What deserts shall we be serving today?' His chipper voice questioned becoming more eager with each word. 'It's our first day back, we should be doing something special, don't you think? We should celebrate the start of the new term in someway!' He faltered as no response came. 'Um-Katsuki?' He fell into silence as he could practically feel Katsuki's murderous intent through the phone.

She took in a very long breath. 'You woke me up at 5:30 to ask me that?' She growled out remembering to switch to Japanese, half wondering if it was possible to kill somebody through a phone.

Of course anybody else would have picked up on that growing rage and probably run for their life.

Not Tamaki Suoh. Perhaps the only reason they where still actually friends.

'Well, I was thinking about the castella cake you made or those daifuku or the Japanese style shortcake? Oh but then there where those dango you made too and the cupcakes!' He rambled on.

Katsuki closed her eyes, finding herself wondering why exactly she was friends with him when he constantly did this to her. Though the answer came to her pretty quickly, for as vexing as he was, he'd been there for her, he'd made her a promise.

𝑾𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora