The first floor was a huge living room, with an even bigger kitchen, bathroom, and dining room. There was also a library and indoor pool.

The second floor had the bedrooms. The bedrooms were very large. They were complete with flatscreen TV's mounted on the wall, walk in closets, balconies, and decorative posters.

The third floor wasn't as interesting. It was basically work areas. The only thing that wasn't for work was a work out area.

I thought Amy would love it.

"No." Amy said and turned her head away from me.

"What?! It's perfect! You could have everything!" I said to her

"No, those people worked hard to get where they are. Can't we just find an abandoned house? You can go out and get food and blankets. Or we could just-"

"No, no, no! You need the best! I've found what you need and-"

"Well I don like it." Amy said and turned away from me.

"You seemed a lot nicer when I was in the chest." I said and crossed my arms.

"Did I seem nicer or needier?" Amy said, now nose to nose with me.

"You seemed like you needed someone!"

"Well maybe I did!"

"Then why won't you let me be here for you?!"

We were silent for a mere two seconds before I couldn't help myself. We were just so close...

I brought my lips to hers and kissed her. I wasn't sure if it was rough or soft. I just focused on keeping my lips on hers. My eyes were closed and I was enjoying the taste of her lips. It seemed to taste like...strawberries? Yeah, that was a sweet surprise.

I pulled back and I saw tears in her eyes. She was limp and her eyes were wide and she stared at me in shock.

I froze with my hands on her arms. I was certain she was going to slap me. But that's not what happened.

She broke down in tears and clung to me for support. "Amy? Amy what's wrong?" I asked her worriedly. "I'm...I'm-I'm so sorry! I-I've been such a jerk! You've...been nothing but kind and nice to me. You're the only one that's ever treated me more then a waste of air!" I petted her head and rubbed her back as we slowly sat down in the grass and she cried.

"Amy...I'm sorry I yelled..." I said and kissed her head. I left my head there while she sobbed and spoke into my chest. It was hard to hear her, but I made out every word.

"It's not your's my fault. You just want to treat me the way I...I've only dreamed of. And I'm just making it harder on you...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Amy sobbed.

"'s okay. It's not your fault, it's not your fault, I'm just stubborn." I chuckled and she let out a small laugh. "So am I..."

I removed my head from hers and she looked up at me. The stars sparkled in her jade green eyes.

"You still don't want this place, do you? I won't make you live here. We can live where we are now...I-I can just go get the stuff we need." I grinned at her and stroked her quills.

Amy teared up again and pushed her face into my chest. "Whatever you want..." She said shakily.

"I want what you want." I smiled.

"Can...we stay? I can make a list of what we need. I could rebuild the house too. I'm good with a hammer, you know?" I rubbed my head against hers the way cats do. "Yeah, I like that idea. Come on, let's head back home."

SonAmy: Ghostly LoveWhere stories live. Discover now