The room fell silent, the weight of Steven's words hanging heavily in the air. They were faced with a grim reality, and the race against time had begun. Mayu straight up asked them why they were tracking her in the first place which Wallace answered, "She is something like our adopted sister."

The room was thick with tension, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words. Mayu's gaze darted between Steven and Wallace, confusion evident in her eyes. "So, you're telling me that Ren is like your... sister?"

Steven's gaze softened, a hint of regret flickering in his eyes. "In a way, yes. We've known Ren for a long time. She's not just a close ally; she's family."

Wallace leaned forward, his hands clasped together. "But it's more complicated than that," he added, meeting Mayu's eyes squarely. "You see, Ren was once part of the Hoenn Government League Official. She was a beacon of hope, a symbol of justice. She was also a member of Team Eon."

Raiden's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Team Eon? As in, the same Team Eon that works closely with the champions?"

Steven nodded gravely. "Exactly. Ren was our inside connection, our liaison between the government and Team Eon. She was brilliant, courageous, and utterly devoted to the cause."

Mayu frowned, trying to piece it all together. "So, what happened?"

Wallace sighed, running a hand through his hair. "When Team Rocket resurfaced in Kanto, Ren was sent there as part of the Hoenn delegation to assist in their neutralization. She played a crucial role in their defeat. But the mission took its toll on her. She saw things, experienced things... that changed her."

Steven took over, his voice somber. "When the mission in Kanto concluded, Ren could have returned to Hoenn and resumed her duties. But she chose not to. She wanted to continue her journey, to explore regions beyond our shores."

Raiden leaned in, intrigued. "So, she became a trainer?"

Wallace shook his head. "Not exactly. She journeyed with her friends, yes. That is you. But during her travels in Johto, there was an incident. Confidential information was leaked, secrets that could jeopardize the stability of our region. We traced it back to Ren."

Mayu's eyes widened in disbelief. "Ren? But why would she..."

Steven held up a hand, silencing her. "We asked ourselves the same question. And when confronted, Ren rebelled. She felt betrayed, felt that we were stifling her freedom. It led to a rupture, a fracture in our relationship."

Raiden frowned, trying to make sense of it all. "But if she's been a part of Team Eon, why didn't you just arrest her?"

Wallace sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "It's not that simple. Ren was once a hero, a symbol of hope. Bringing her to justice would have been a PR nightmare. So, we decided to cut ties, to distance ourselves from her."

Mayu shook her head, struggling to reconcile the image of the Ren she knew with the person they were describing. "But you said you met her again in Hoenn. Why would you give her another chance?"

Steven looked away, his gaze distant. "Because despite everything, Ren has a good heart. She's made mistakes, grave ones, but deep down, she's still the same person we once knew. When we crossed paths again in Hoenn, we saw a spark in her, a glimmer of the Ren we once knew. I hate to see this but she really can't do anything like that."

Wallace nodded in agreement. "We decided to give her another chance, to see if she could redeem herself. And for a while, it seemed like she was on the right path."

Raiden sighed, running a hand through his hair. "So, what now? If she's gone missing..."

Steven leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Before we cut ties, Ren confided in us. She said she was being threatened, blackmailed into revealing information in exchange for keeping her secrets safe. At first, we were skeptical, but she seemed genuinely scared."

Raiden raised an eyebrow. "Threatened? By whom?"

"We don't know," Steven admitted, frustration evident in his voice. "She was always vague about it, said it was someone possibly from her past."

Mayu frowned, her arms crossed. "Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I would've executed her for her betrayal, no matter how close she was to you."

The room grew tense, the weight of Mayu's words hanging heavily in the air. Wallace's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. "That's a harsh stance, Mayu. But you're not alone in thinking that way." He glanced at Steven, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "She's talking just like you now."

Steven sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I won't deny it. When we first discovered Ren's betrayal, I was consumed by anger and disappointment. The thought of executing her crossed my mind more than once. But over time when she begged for mercy, I realized that it wasn't that simple. Ren is a complex individual, driven by her own motivations and fears."

Mayu shook her head, her eyes filled with resolve. "Regardless, she betrayed your trust. There should be consequences."

Wallace nodded in agreement. "And there will be. But for now, our priority is finding her, ensuring she's safe. We can deal with the repercussions later."

Raiden leaned back, rubbing his temples. "So, what's our next move?"

Steven took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "For now, we act like nothing's changed. We continue our journey, train our Pokémon, and keep our eyes and ears open. If we cross paths with Ren, Mayu, I trust you to handle the situation appropriately."

Mayu nodded solemnly. "You want me to apprehend her."

Steven looked at her, a mix of respect and caution in his eyes. "Yes. If it comes to that."

Wallace sighed, his expression conflicted. "Everyone has a say in what happens to Ren, Mayu. Except for me. Especially when I'm her mentor."

Mayu blinked, taken aback. "But Wallace—"

He held up a hand, cutting her off. "I know I care about her, but emotions can cloud judgment. We need to approach this logically, ensuring the safety of everyone involved, including Ren. So I will agree for now."

Steven adjusted his rings, looking thoughtful. "Ren has always been clever, and her decision to focus on contests might have been a way to avoid direct confrontations with certain individuals. She's always been strategic."

Wallace nodded in agreement. "She's adept at reading situations and making choices that benefit her. But right now, our primary concern should be the safety of everyone, especially with the looming threat of Team Magma and Aqua."

Steven glanced at Mayu and Raiden, his expression serious. "You two took down Matt and Courtney. That's no small feat. But it also means you're on their radar now. Leaders, Archie and Maxie won't take kindly to their top grunts being killed."

Raiden clenched his fists. "We'll be ready for them."

As Steven and Wallace prepared to depart, Wallace leaned in closer to Steven, lowering his voice. "Why didn't you ask Mayu about her ties? There's something about her, isn't there?"

Steven looked over at Mayu, who was deep in thought, her eyes focused yet distant. "There's a lot we don't know about Mayu. But right now, our priority is Ren. We'll deal with the rest when the time comes."

Riyu looked between Raiden and Mayu, her eyes wide with apprehension. "This is all so much to take in. I mean, Ren being tied to Team Eon... It's like a never-ending maze."

Raiden's gaze was sharp as he turned to Mayu. "So, you're really considering apprehending Ren?"

Mayu's expression was resolute. "Individuals like Ren, who play both sides, can become unpredictable liabilities. My brother, Tsukiko, was a prime example. His actions tore me apart and led him down a dangerous path. If we don't address Ren now, who knows what she might become or what dangers she might pose in the future."

Raiden nodded slowly, understanding the weight of her words. "Alright, we'll proceed with caution. But remember, she's still our friend."

Mayu sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. "I know. And it's not a decision I take lightly. But sometimes, the hardest choices are the ones that need to be made for the greater good."

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