Dreams || Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Kai

Talo suddenly awoke from his sleep, his breathing a panic. "What the hell?! What was that?! How did I feel pain in a dream?!" As he said it, he noticed red spots on top of his bed sheets. He looked at his palms. They were gashed, just like the dream. He nearly screamed as he fell off his bed, well, as much as he could when it was very close to the floor. The loss of blood started to make him feel lightheaded. "Great, now there's blood on the floor!" he complained.

He kept slinking and crawling along his now spotted floors over to a cabinet attached to the roof. He opened it, took out a silk bandage, wrapped it around the ginormous cuts and tied them tightly. They were made from the purest and strongest of silk from various different magical spider's webs, yet a little bit of red was still seeable through the bandage.

Talo sat down on the sturdy, slightly decorated wooden chair next to his also wooden table. He breathed in and out, in and out, drank a bit of water and eventually his lightheadedness came to pass. Where the bandage lacked in other ways, it was all made up by how easily it made the pain 'go away'. It truly deserved its name of Miracle Silk. He calmed.

Trying to process what had happened in his strange dream, he looked around his house, admittedly more of a hut. His bed was messy and covered in red, so Talo would have to clean them later. Next to his low bed laid his journal of things he learnt, events he experienced and feelings he had about all of them. He understood it was a bit weird. He didn't care. Talo was weird, obviously shown by the things shrewd across his small dwelling. His bedside table, wooden, like almost everything there, held many mementos, stationary, and other miscellaneous items. On top of it were a few of his most successful 'attempts' of him learning and trying to draw. Even his best 'works' were still quite poor.

There were also papers filled with many, perhaps hundreds and thousands of words of the multiple stories he created. He didn't know if they were any good, or if anyone except him would like it. But he liked them. He did really need to clean the table though. On the other side was a small bookshelf. Talo read more than anybody he knew, he loved books, if he got to choose what books he read. His favourites were fantasy adventure, even if his world was fantastical itself.

But he also had some other books, some about the landscape of Levonia, a guide for growing your magical potential, and a book called 'Those Born of Shadow'. It was a book that explained most of the evils plaguing the kingdom, vile things called 'Darkborns'. As implied, they were beings made of pure darkness.

Talo had never seen one in real life before, but they were said to be created just to cause destruction and pain. His bigger table held piles of paper, pens, pencils and a few books open on the page he was on. Pinned on the wall was actually good art based on his favourite media and real life, drawn and gifted to him by his best (and only) friend Kai. Kai... "Crap!"

Talo fell out of his chair, yet quickly stood back up. "Kai! I'm gonna be late!" He ran and quickly grabbed a few biscuits from his small pantry and swiftly ate them. He pulled a deep blue tunic over his head and ran out the door, not bothering to lock. Any creatures in the forest surrounding his hut couldn't open doors (probably), and who in the village would try to break in?

The path to he and Kai's place wasn't without obstacles, and sometimes could even be quite dangerous. Vines covered in spikes poked and prodded at Talo, and large roots kept nearly tripping him. How familiar. Sometimes natural animals with flesh (unlike the Darkborns) attacked or at least attempted to, such as strangely aggressive bugs and arachnids, blood thirsty wolves with teeth like knives and an eerie dark grey coat, and sometimes, even the flora.

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