From the moment she left Bonnie's house she decided it was time to party hard, she had nothing stopping her, the magic of having an inexperienced witch taking care of her. It was hard to believe Bonnie truly let her go, she hadn't felt this free in a long long time, not with Henry, or Emma, or her Grace.

There were a lot of things that Lilith didn't know about this new world, she felt excited to tackle all the challenges that were presented to her, first she needed to get out of Mystic Falls, Bonnie told her that her father had filled the town with vervain so compelling someone was out of question, so she ran until she saw the welcome to mystic Falls sign and then she kept running, until she reached the next town, there she compelled the first person she saw and told him to get her far, but not too far, and that she didn't wanted to leave the state, the stranger proposed Alexandria and told her it was almost three hours away, Lilith agreed.

Once in Alexandria, Lilith fed on the stranger that brought her there, and stopped just before he died, Daniel was his name.

"Now that's a drink," Lilith said licking her fingers from the blood of the stranger, "take me to a fancy hotel," Daniel had no other choice but to comply.

When they were outside of the hotel Lilith marveled at the construction, it was astonishing. They stood there in the car for a few minutes when someone approached her from the window.

"Welcome to the Hilton ma'am," Lilith smiled, "are you staying?"

"Of course we are."

"Then I'll take your car," Lilith nodded unaware that valet parking existed, "what name should I put it under?"

"Lilith Erikson," Lilith smiled and stepped out of the car, "let's go Daniel, follow me," Daniel did as told, for once Lilith loved that she was able to compel someone again, after experiencing it for a long time, it was wonderful to be at the other side of it.

Lilith walked inside and was received by a smiling face, Daniel was still walking close by. The stranger at the door directed her towards the receptionist, once there she was welcomed by another smiling face.

"Welcome to the Hilton, how long are you staying?"

"I am not sure," Lilith said.

"Are you and your husband on trip?," the receptionist was referring to Daniel behind her.

"Yes we are,"Lilith answered in her most lovely voice, "can we get your best room?," the receptionist nodded and started using her computer.

"Can I have an ID and a credit card?," Lilith opened her mouth and then closed it.

"I do not have either of those."

"I am sorry ma'am but without them I can't give you a room," Lilith didn't have any money or ID, whatever that was.

"You are going to give me your best room," she started compelling the receptionist, "and you're not going to argue about it, just give me the key," the woman behind the desk wrote some other stuff on her computer and then gave her a white plastic rectangle, Lilith looked puzzled but thanked the woman.

"You have the suite ma'am, last floor," Lilith smiled and walked to Daniel.

"Now what," she asked him, "what I am supposed to do with this?"

"That is the key," Daniel said, "we have to use the elevator to get to the room," Lilith nodded.

"What is that? Take me there," she kept compelling Daniel, the man just grabbed her hand and directed her to a door, he pressed a circle on the wall and the doors opened, inside there was another person.

"What floor?," they asked.

"She said we have the suite," said Lilith showing the key to the person, they only nodded and pressed another circle on the walls. All of the sudden the floor started moving and she got scared for a second, they were about four minutes on the elevator and then the doors opened.

"The suite," the person said, then Lilith stepped out followed closely by Daniel.

"I need clothes," Lilith said once they were alone, "where can I get some?," Daniel looked at his phone and started writing some stuff.

"There are some stores two blocks down," Lilith nodded.

And she was out in the streets again, Lilith was admiring all her surroundings, everything was new to her and she was honestly excited to be able to see everything. She had bought herself a lot of clothes, different colors, textures, she wanted to find something that would truly like her. Lilith made Daniel carry all her bags as they were walking on the streets. She wanted to party, so she would, every time she saw someone she liked Lilith walked to them and told them about a party she was having, not too many people but enough for her to spend a good time. Daniel had told her that hotels don't usually have problems with parties but you have to tell them.

"I am having a party," said Lilith to the receptionist when they got back to the hotel.

"When, ma'am?"


"I am sorry but there is some things we need to organize before a party"

"Then organize everything you have to, but I am having a party at my room tonight," she compelled the receptionist.

"Alright ma'am."

There was music, everyone was having good time, everyone was drinking and Lilith was drinking from everyone. From the moment the people had stepped in she had compeled them to have a good time, no cries or awful screams, to not be scared, and to forget everything once they left her room. Everyone was dancing at the rhythm of the music but for Lilith was a bit hard, so after trying to dance for a while she just sat on a couch, kissing and drinking from everyone that got near her. Now she felt truly free, she remembered one of the last parties she had before being captured, Italy, with Nik by her side. Nik. Suddenly she remembered, Nik was in Mystic Falls, she wanted so hard to see Nik, to jump on his arms and kiss him until her lips hurt, to drink from him and made him drink from her. She missed him so bad, so she went to bed with strangers, drank from them, got pleasure from them, and then finally fell asleep with blood and bodies all over her, she couldn't be freer.

             Next morning she woke up by the sound of her phone, it was Bonnie. She answered.

"I need your help," Bonnie was whispering.

"Anything you need Bonnie," the meek Lilith returned.

"My friends need your help," she was still whispering, "I want you to come back to mystic falls and help Caroline and Tyler translate."


"Yes. They need your help, help them do that."

"Where are they?"

"Elena's house, go there," Lilith nodded.

"Anything else?"

"No," she was still whispering, "I have to go, bye."

Little Bennett witch, still young, still didn't know how the compulsion worked. She could see Nik again, he was at Mystic Falls, she only needed to go and help translate and then possibly she would be free, that was if Bonnie didn't call again. She just needed to help and then she could do anything she wanted, words, words were important, specific words were even more important, little Bennett witch had a lot to learn.

THE LAST I HAVE OF YOU ❍ niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now