Chapter 12

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Pearpaw froze in fear. What would he do? Would he...hurt someone? Kill someone?

Her clanmate was in a prophecy, a dangerous one, at that.

"Pearpaw!" Limelight growled, snapping her back into real life. "Pay attention, or you're full name will be Pearstupid!" More worried, she said, "Are you okay? You're quivering. Don't worry, Pearpaw, I won't actually name you Pearstupid."

"I'm fine." Pearpaw replied uncertainly and went back to sorting herbs.

"Uh-huh," Limelight meowed, unconvinced. "Sure you are. You know I was joking, right-?" She shifted. "Hey, uh, Pearpaw. I need to talk-,"

Suddenly, Icepaw stalked into the den. "I'll kill him!" She yelled, stamping her foot. "I swear to StarClan! The arrogant, jerk of a cat-,"

"Icepaw!" Limelight barked. "Don't talk to my father that way!"

"Huh?" Icepaw paused her angry curses. "Blackpaw's your father?"

At the name Pearpaw froze in fear, fur rising. "You're lucky I'm angry enough to not want to jump on you to feel your fluff," Icepaw sniffed to Pearpaw as a cold feeling crept up into her spine. "Anyway, Blackpaw's your father?"

"N-no!" Limelight mumbled, shuffling her paws. 

"Okay, I'm concerned because your voice is trembling," Icepaw intoned. "Is Blackpaw actually your father?"

"NO!" Limelight shouted, exasperated. "I AM LITERALLY OLDER THAN HIM!"

"So?" Icepaw replied. "Maybe-," She gasped. "Is Blackpaw in StarClan? Is he dead?" Then, she considered what she just said. "No, then he'd have to be nice. StarClan's nice, right?"

"Supposably," Limelight mewed. No, Pearpaw thought. Or Blackpaw wouldn't kill us all. "My father is Snoutscratch."

"That old piece of work?" Icepaw snorted, "I never would've guessed. You have much more in common with Blackpaw."

"You caught me," Limelight told her dryly, narrowing her eyes. "Blackpaw's my father."

"What made dirt in your fresh kills?" Blackpaw growled, stalking into the den. Speaking of the Dark Forest cat, Pearpaw thought privately, eyes flicking to the ground, cowering.

"You, apparently," The ThunderClan medicine cat told him as Icepaw hissed and Pearpaw backed away, flattening her ears, terrified, seeking shelter from the shelter of the dark den.

"I only do that to Oakpaw," Blackpaw replied flatly.

"Are you sure?" Icepaw growled. "Don't you do it for your little Dark Forest friends?"

Blackpaw shot her an angry look but meowed smoothly, "Of course. There's Rainwing, Honeysoot and Darkbriar. Those are the only evil cats I do that to, though. You have friends, right?" He gave her a sympathetic glance. "Never mind, of course you don't."

 Icepaw bristled. "I have Pearpaw!"

"Ah," He nodded understandably. "And where is she now?"

Icepaw's smile was too sweet to be genuine. "Right behind me."

Blackpaw's ice blue eyes hardened and focused on Pearpaw's crouched figure, barely visible hiding in the shadows. She was so tense and scared she hadn't moved since he came into the den. "I can't see her," he hissed tauntingly.

"Alright, that's enough drama in my den today!" Limelight cut in, as the sliver-and-gray she-cat bushed her tail. Pearpaw felt a stab of guilt. "Blackpaw, why are you here?"

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