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Do you want to know what happened?



The reason they didn't make it far is because they ran into a badger and died.


Yeah, no, that didn't happen (you wish, @natmeke, then you wouldn't be obliged to read this.)

Pearpaw pelted after the gray-and-silver apprentice when Icepaw yelped.

Oh, yes.

I forgot to mention. Icepaw yelped. All caught up? Great. Now, can I continue?

"What is it?" Pearpaw screeched when she caught up. Icepaw was bouncing on three paws, her front paw in her mouth. "What the...?"

"Spwinta!" Icepaw explained through a mouthful of foot. 

Pearpaw helpful Icepaw translator translated to Splinter. "Where's the catmint?" Pearpaw intoned, focusing on the more important subject.

"I ate it. It was tho gud." (I ate it, it was so good.) Then, realizing what was happening, Icepaw shifted and outrage lined her voice as she yowled, "Where's the bloody catmint?" She spat out her foot so she was balancing on three paws, the front one limply hanging in the air. "I have a splinter in my paw and that's what you worry about?"

"Yes," Pearpaw growled at her clanmate. "Congratulations. You won a catmint stalk - oh, wait? You ate those didn't you?"

Icepaw sighed. "Anyway," She meowed. "There's a wailing noise coming from that,"-She flicked her tail to the WindClan border-"direction."

Pearpaw snorted. "Is that right?" She angled her ears that way, and to her shock, she heard the wail. "THAT IS RIGHT!"

Icepaw gasped and her head tilted. "I AM RIGHT? REALLY? I THOUGHT I WAS IMAGINING IT!"

"Yes!" Pearpaw quickly grabbed Icepaw's injured paw and yanked out the splinter before she could protest.

Icepaw let out a small squeak of shock and pain, but didn't cry, probably happy that she was right for once.

"LET'S GO SAVE THE CAT!" Icepaw yelled louder than necessary.

"Ouch, my ears." Pearpaw told her, which was very uncalled for, because, you know, a cat could be dying. She was just numb at that moment from shock.

Icepaw had the nerve to ignore her and just lurched up (even though she was already up, but, I have to write something) and sped away towards the WindClan border.

Pearpaw had nothing left to do but follow her.

What if it's a badger? She fretted as she caught up with Icepaw. Or a Twoleg? 

Pearpaw could see that Icepaw shared none of her concern, her eyes filled with pure determination.

"Nearly there!" Icepaw announced as the trees started to thin, showing the moorland smiling at them invitingly, the sun shining, grass swaying in the breeze and the strong scent of rabbit, even though it was nearly leaf-bare.

Pearpaw just scowled at the meadow as she ran, refusing to digress. "Hey, Icepaw," She began, feeling a stab of disconcert. "Are you sure we can trust your..." She trailed off, trying to find a way to say it nicely. She gulped. "Your instinct's?"

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