Jin pushed him forward and NamJoon caught him and flashed a fake smile then Jungkook tied him up on a chair beside SuHee.

YeoJun was looking down all that time.

"Is SamYeong dead?" She asked.

Jungkook chuckled before saying, "such a nice way you ask about your brother huh?"

SuHee faked a smile and said, "you got a problem with that?"

"No he's dead, we already killed him as he wasn't opening his mouth." Yoongi said.

"He didn't even know anything that he would open his mouth." She mumbled under her breath.

"whatever, leave this. Let's move onto the real topic. What's going on?" Jin asked.


"Girl, don't play innocent we already told you we don't have time to waste so spit out whatever you know." Yoongi said.

They stayed silent.

NamJoon took a deep breath tilting his head from side to side then suddenly...

"W-what the hell are you doing?" YeoJun shouted seeing NamJoon's action who was holding his gun on SuHee's ear through her hair.

"Whatever you're seeing." NamJoon replied.

"Eunseo there's a parcel for you." Taehyung said approaching Eunseo on her desk. "why did you order makeup in office?"

"huh? I didn't order anything." she frowned in confusion taking the box. "and why are you giving me this?"

"I don't know. A colleague came and handed me this saying it's for you so I asked him why isn't he giving it by himself and he said he has to go to the manager's office urgently." he said shrugging his shoulders.

She nodded then he left.

Eunsei opened the box and found a paper on top. She picked it up and unfolded it then read what was written on it.

'For Yoon Elarin, Yoon Eunseo & Kim Taehyung.'

"what is it?" she put down the paper at a side then pulled out the paper packet from the box.

She then got up and took the box with her along with the paper and went to Taehyung. "Get up." she said.


"let's go to Ella this parcel is for three of us."

Taehyung joined his eyebrows saying, "but the name written on it is yours."

"I don't know okay? Let's go now." she said and pulled him with her.

"Come in." Ella said and Taehyung and Eunseo entered her room.

"Noona a parcel came for us."

"all of us?"


'BangTan is your enemy'

"huh?" Ella looked at Eunseo and Taehyung in confusion.

"what's BangTan? YeonTan's brother?" Tae asked scratching his head with a pout.

"does it sound like a joke to you?" Eunseo said rolling her eyes then she pulled the box towars her and found another  envelope at a corner.

"what is it now?" Ella asked.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Just open it then you'll know." Taehyung said.

Eunseo nodded and opened the envelope.

But the next thing they made their eyes widened.

"they are Jimin and Jin with the other guys from that night?" Ella asked in a shocked voice.

"th-they are." Eunseo stuttered and read the word 'BangTan' written on a side.

"why are they dressed up like this?" Tae asked with the same pout.

"Who cares about outfit. But what the hell is this? Why would they be our enemies?"

Happy Birthday in late Taehyung as I couldn't finish writing yesterday no matter how much I tried. 😅

Whatever, I love you soooooooo much you're just tooooooooooo cute. I hope you know that. 🙃

And in case if you're wondering....

The photo they received and why Taehyung asked about their outfit

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The photo they received and why Taehyung asked about their outfit. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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