To be Vulnerable

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Hi folks!

The chapter took longer than I expected, who's shocked? Good news, next chapter is mostly smut and just needs to be edited, so that'll be up in a few days. Happy reading. 

-Parks 🖤

Considering how long their stay at the cabin was going to be, they opted to take a small cart with them to carry their belongings, the supplies they took from headquarters, and the goods they planned to buy at a market in the nearby town. This market was also a factor in Levi choosing to travel at night.

"The trip is long enough on its own, but the horse will be slower pulling the buggy. If we leave during the day, the market will be closed by the time we get there, so if we leave the night before we can arrive as the market is opening," Levi explained over their breakfast.

Y/N just sat listening. She would have simply left whenever she was ready, and when she arrived was when she arrived. However, that lack of structure would likely have caused Levi both stress and irritation, and Y/N didn't mind letting him make the plans. If it made him feel better then so be it, but she also liked the opportunity to not have to think or worry about anything. It was nice to shut your brain off and just be taken care of.

I probably should've added that to the daddy kink explanation, Y/N pondered as they began their journey down the bumpy road.

Ten minutes before, Levi had woken her up at exactly 1:50 am with a cup of tea and everything packed in the cart. It wasn't until they had settled in, Y/N's head resting on Levi's shoulder, when he squeezed her thigh twice and she realized he hadn't done that all day. Y/N was glad Levi couldn't see her face because the realization combined with her three hours of sleep left her visibly pouting.

Why hasn't he done that all day?

With a "hmph," Y/N chose to ignore it for now and spent the first three or four hours of their trip in the weird place between waking and sleeping. It wasn't particularly restful, but at least she wasn't bored. It was, however, a bit hard to tell reality from her dreams; she jolted awake more than once thinking she heard something, but Levi reassured her there was nothing wrong each time.

Y/N had been too tired to insist they spend more time perusing the wares at the market, so after shopping quickly, they finally reached the cabin before noon. Together they brought everything in, unpacked, set up the horse in the small stall outside, and collapsed on the couch. Levi was not the kind of person to nap, but even he was tired from the trip. It only took a little convincing from Y/N before he was snuggled up on the couch with her under a plush blanket.

Her head was tucked under his chin and into his chest when he exhaled a contented sigh and squeezed her hip once. He immediately tensed up, an almost imperceptible change that may have been missed had Y/N not been directly against him. Only a second later, he seemed to catch himself and finished the habit with a second, more tentative squeeze.

Y/N decided then that she wouldn't bring it up. Did she want to talk with him about his little habit? Yes, absolutely. But not because she was overwhelmingly curious; of course, she wanted to know, but she was far more concerned with how much it seemed to trouble him. Over the next few days as they developed a routine at the cabin together, Levi continued to interrupt his own habit. He would occasionally squeeze her hand or tap her thigh in twos, but only absentmindedly. If he did notice his action, Y/N could always tell because there would be an uncomfortable pause between the taps or squeezes before he hesitantly finished it.

At this point, it was painfully obvious to her, but considering how patient he had been (and still was) with her, she wasn't going to rush him. She had instead settled on being equally not subtle in reassuring him through taps of her own. Anytime she wanted to say it, she would instead find a reason to tap him twice or give him two quick kisses, which usually resulted in one of two reactions: a soft, contented smile or a flash of shock and confusion in his eyes before both emotions were neatly tucked back behind his mask. Once again, these were decided by how much attention he was paying in the moment.

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