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Yn : bucky.........
Is that really you?

The man she knows,
Doesn't say anything to her,
Instead a few shots are heard,
Coming from the alley they are standing in,

In the hospital now,
Next to natasha and steve,
Yn appears,
As she holds her hand the side of her waste,
And is completely in shock as are eyes are swollen still from crying,

Steve, nat and even maria help her to sit down,

Steve : did you go after the guy?

Yn is unresponsive to him,
As she doesn't want to say anything,
Nat tries to remove yn's hand from her waste to see,
Yn let's her,
As they all see that yn is shot now,
Not only once but twice,
Once in her leg,
And the other in her waste,

Nat : can we get a doctor in here!!!

As sson as she yells a couple nurses take yn away,

Steve : hunny who was he?

Yn is still unresponsive.
As they bring her away,

They all now wit ess that nock is starting to flatline.
The doctor who was opperating tries to get his heart going again,
But fails,
He declare's that nick is dead now.

Once nick's body is given free,
Nat and steve go and give him a final greet,
Maria joins steve now,

Maria : i need to take him.

Steve walks over to nat,

Steve : natasha.

She walks out of the room,
Into the hallway,

Steve follows her,

Steve : natasha!

Nat : why was fury in you're appartment?

Steve : i don't know

Rumlow : cap they want you back at shield.

Steve : yeah, give me a second.

Rumlow : they want you now.

Steve : okay.

He turns back to nat,

Nat : you're a terrible liar.

She smiles begore she heads off.

Steve before he goes he hides the flashdrive.
And goes towards rumlow and his men.

Steve : what about yn?

Rumlow : don't you worry about her cap,
A shield agent is guarding her door.
She will be questioned aswell.

Steve : let's go.

Rumlow : yeah,
S.t.r.i.k.e moving out!

Once they arrive at shield steve goes to alexanders pierce's office,
In the hallway he passes sharon,

Sharon: captain.

Steve : neighbour.

Alexander : aah captain.
I'm alexander pierce.

Steve : sir it's an honor.

Alexander : the honor is all mine captain,
My father served in the 101st,
Come on in.

A few moments later after some talking about nick,

Alexander sits next to steve,

Pierce : captain why was nick in your appartment last night?

Steve : i don't know.....

Pierce : you really don't?
You're girl said the same thing.

Steve looks at him as he speaks about yn,
As if she is nothing.

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