new world.....

6 0 0

The woman now looks up to the crowd now,
And see's that everyone is looking at her,

The woman now looks up to the crowd now,And see's that everyone is looking at her,

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Yn clara carter transformed into skylar yn parker,

Yn : i got to go......

She teleports off,
Leaving everyone to gasp as she does that,

Billy : we got supe's falling from the sky's now boys.

Homelander just looks on as bewilderd as thz rest of them.

As Skylar Yn Parker teleports away,
leaving the crowd in stunned silence,
Billy Butcher and Homelander exchange a knowing glance.
It's clear that this unexpected turn of events has set a new precedent in their world.

But as the dust settles and the race continues, whispers of Skylar Yn Parker's arrival spread like wildfire.
Some view her with fear,
others with awe,
but all agree on one thing,
she's a force to be reckoned with.

Meanwhile, Skylar finds herself in a secluded alleyway,
the sounds of the race fading into the distance.
She takes a moment to catch her breath,
her mind racing with questions about this strange new universe and her place in it.

But amidst the uncertainty,
one thing is clear,
Skylar Yn Parker is determined to find her footing in this world,
to uncover its secrets,
and to embrace her own powers,

But as Skylar stands in the alleyway,
her heart still racing from the whirlwind of events that brought her to this unfamiliar world.
She takes a deep breath,
steeling herself for whatever may come next,

Skylar : Well, that was one heck of an entrance.
But now what?

just then, footsteps echo in the alleyway,
and Skylar whirls around to see Billy Butcher and Homelander approaching,
their expressions a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Billy : Well, well, well, what do we have here? Another supe crash-landing in our backyard?

Homelander's piercing gaze fixates on Skylar, assessing her with a mixture of interest and wariness.

Homelander : You're not from around here, are you?
What's your game, sweetheart?

Skylar narrows her eyes,
She powers up as red and black energy surrounds her,
And is crackling around her.
She squares her shoulders,
refusing to back down in the face of these formidable figures.

Skylar : My name's is none-ya,
None of you're bussiness,
and I'm just trying to find my place in this crazy universe.
As for my game, well....
let's just say I'm not one to play by anyone else's rules.

The tension in the alleyway is palpable as Skylar and the two men face off,
each sizing up the other.
But before the situation can escalate further, Skylar senses something passing by,

Skylar : Looks like my ride's here.
But don't worry, boys,
I'll be seeing you around.

With a flash of red and black energy,
Skylar teleports away,
leaving Billy and Homelander to ponder the implications of her arrival.

the inhuman avengerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें