Beginning of an End

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In a sudden jolt, you awakened to your surroundings, and attempted to scream out a warning, only letting a rush of air escape from your mouth. You were so startled by the abrupt awakening that you couldn't even utter a word or sound.

A gentle summer breeze swept through the air, causing the leaves to gracefully dance and sway in harmony with the warm summer atmosphere. The rustling of the leaves and the gentle creaking of the branches spoke of a calm and serene environment, in sharp contrast to the hectic and stressful situation you had just awoken from. You took a moment to steady your nerves and regain your bearings, taking in the surrounding and adjusting to the new reality.

An airy, feminine lilt reached your ears causing you to raise your head.

"I'll tell her you were laying around while I did all the work." the voice softly declared.

You blinked, and your gaze landed on your outstretched arm. In a moment of confusion and embarrassment, you wondered why you had suddenly raised your arm and extended it in such a manner.

You then cast your eyes about and looked towards your friend and family, Mikasa and Eren.

"Please don't..!" Eren spoke with pleading in his tone.

"What not to tell her?" You remarked curiously, noticing how Eren was now gazing at you with widened eyes and a concerned expression.

"Oh, nothing.." Eren replied in a manner that suggested otherwise and began looking at you with curiosity "Uh, did you cry, too?.."

By this time, Mikasa had also taken an interest in your conversation and had left the wood picking astray.

You blankly looked at Eren, and blinked. What?

"You simply look... sad... you had a worried expression," Mikasa clarified, the weight of her words shocking you awake and wiping away any remnants of sleepiness you had left. "Maybe a bad dream?"

"I don't know, I can't remember anything.." You said as you pushed yourself off the grass. "And what was this about 'did you cry TOO'?" You aimed the conversation at Eren as to remove the focus from yourself. What if it was a bad dream? Just makes it more embarrassing that you had woken up crying after seeing a nightmare. You were no longer a child!

Mikasa looked between you and Eren, her eyebrows creasing. "So you both saw a nightmare, and both can't remember anything? Was this planned or something?" She sighed.

You slowly made your way back, the earlier talk turning into an argument between Eren and you. Mikasa bore the brunt of the work, while Eren and you tossed insults at each other, the verbal skirmish seeming to occupy your attention fully.

Your journey was interrupted by the presence of a group of inebriated military personnel, also known as Garrison. Hannes, visibly drunk, addressed the group with a slurred voice and unsteady stride.

"Eren and Y/N! Mikasa, you too! Hey kids, say thanks to our dear doctor Yeager for saving our asses once again!" The intoxicated soldiers cheered raucously at their own sentiments, their boisterousness causing you to flinch in discomfort.

Before you could muster a response, Eren quickly spoke up with a hint of exasperation.

"What are you idiots doing drinking at this hour when you should be protecting the citizens of Shiganshina?" Eren inquired in a tone that mixed a sense of concern with unease. He appeared to be taken aback by the soldiers' behavior, believing that they should be actively involved in their designated tasks instead of wasting time with such activities.

The soldiers laughed, amused by Eren's outburst. Hannes, in turn, lightly grabbed Eren's shoulder.

"Look here, son. There hasn't been any trouble in years, and there won't be any in the next few. Why don't you calm down, eh?" Hannes said with a light shrug, seeming to disregard Eren's worry and dismiss his concerns over the group's actions.

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