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So hi guys,
I know some people wanted an update and I promise I was gonna give you one, but the thing is, I've been getting a bunch of hate and honestly quite mean messages, of how boring my story is or how unrealistic it is. Honestly if you don't like my story please respectfully go away, I write stories for my own enjoyment and my own happiness.
The stories are based off of my own delusions and are off of my own imagination, and while I understand that it might not be everyone's cup of tea, I don't see the need to be rude about it.
I know some people wanted twists and turns and more excitement in the story, but tbh with you that was never the intention of the story, the whole point of the story was for it to be a calm, cute, romantic read. But because people kept asking for it I decided to include some drama type elements, but people calling my story boring and hating on it is quite disappointing. To tell you the truth my interest in continuing this story has died.
I am a college student with multiple exams and assignments and yet I take the time out to write and post it for some sort of joy, but people are out right killing that joy for me and tbh I don't see the point of really writing anymore.
But I know I promised some people, so you'll get some updates, but they'll definitely be really slow updates as I'm not gonna write as often anymore even though I don't have exams currently.
I would appreciate if you guys understand my situation.

AnurāgaḥWhere stories live. Discover now