|12| Reconcile

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My first class was social studies and then after that it was English, it was pretty boring today and I didn't learn much but then again when do I ever. I did notice that Weston wasn't here today, my guess is he's out brooding because he's the moodiest person I've ever met. But I was so excited when that lunch bell rang cause it meant that I get to see my man.

"Hi pooks"


'I missed you"

"What'd you just call me"

"Hug me back", I say amused

Xavier eventually hugs me back with his free arm whilst frowning, "Lets not make that one happen again"

"Shut up I was just teasing", I climb over the shifter before sitting on his lap, being careful not to hurt his injured side

"How's your wound", I then ask

"It's alright"

"Did you clean it like I said"

"Don't worry doctor I cleaned it"

I don't notice any fresh cuts or bruises so that's a good sign, now I can at least breathe

"How are you though"

I sigh, "Missing my phone"

He snickers, "Oh yeah aunt Kota has it"

I roll my eyes as he laughs, "Excuse me it's actually not that funny"

"Don't worry I'm sure she's gonna give it to you soon, but on a real note I don't think you should be getting grounded cause of me-

"Shut up cause we've already established I'd do anything for you. Besides I'm gonna talk to my mom today"

He gives me an appreciative kiss, "And I love you for that, but getting in trouble should not be one of them. What are you gonna say to her?"

I lean back against him, holding onto to hand that he has around my waist, "I don't know I don't wanna think about it right now. Have you gone home yet?"

"Nah in the evening, I'll just make up some shit about my eye"

We were sat in the parking lot of my school so there's not much we could do, there were teens walking in and out the building. We're actually lucky enough to be able to leave the site when we want lunch, but it only applies to sophomores and up.

My thoughts are disrupted by Xavier giving me a neck kiss, "You still want me over on Saturday?"

"Yes you have to come"

"I'll be there"


"Oh yeah I got you food by the way-

As soon as I heard that I sat up with intrigue

"Really? Where?" I look around the car before spotting a paper bag in the backseat with the McDonalds logo on the front

Food just excites me on a whole different level, and anyone that knows me knows that it can turn my whole mood around. Who doesn't love food? I'm even more glad that I've known Zay my whole life so eating in front of him is not a problem for me, he smiles as I take the bag excitedly. "Why didn't you say anything before"

"My bad I forgot"

My entire order is correct, five nuggets, double cheeseburger, fries and a sprite. He even threw in some mozzarella dippers, I thank God for fast metabolism because boy I can eat.

I shove a few fries into my mouth with relief, "I love you"

"Me or the food?"

"I don't wanna have to lie"

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