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Joker lays in his bed and dreams about a women.

It's y/n. He is in love.

Tomorrow it's your birthday so joker wants to do something to make you happy. He thought about arson or a bank robbery but that would only make him happy and maybe not you

He didn't want to ask because he felt like he should know you. He watches you through your window.

Joker just stares at his calendar, every month is another picture of you. It is September.

He thinks about getting you a car or maybe a purse or make up because he doesn't know what girls like but then he realises what you will love

He giggles and gets out of bed
Joker goes to the shop that day and vuys what he needs
The joker buys a hot tub
It is warm
He invite you to his house for dinner and you show up in your star bucks uniform. He like you best in your uniform
Hello lovely the joker says and you'd smile and blush
"Hey jokee ❤️" you say the joker looks sh your jeans

"You look so beautiful my lovely pookie" the joker says but you stop and pause and start crying

The joker doesn't know

"What's wrong"

You start crying harder and fall into his big big arms

"When I was five my parents shot eachother on my birthday"

The joker understand now

Understands your pain
Your suffering

"I got you a present@ joker says and you get exited. Then he got

Joker gives you a soft smile

"I got you a present" the joker smirks and you for

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"I got you a present" the joker smirks and you for. Moment forget about your family

The joker closes your eyes and brings you outside of his mansion and you open your eyes in shock and wonder into his grassy field

"Wow you got me grass???"

The joker smile

He keep the hot tub

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