Feeding the homeless

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Joker sat in his mansion.

It was a very lovely day but something was missing.... A good deed

Joker doesn't remember the last time he did something nice

It wasn't on brand for joker to be nice

He liked to stomp on birds, trip over children and drink and drive.

But now he had a girl he needed to impress, a beautiful beautiful girl named y/n. He met her in his club, and she was drop dead gorgeous. Something in his strong chest roared in delight thinking of his lover.

He needed to do something nice to please her.

That's how the joker ended up on the street with a loaf of bread, he tore some off and threw it at a homeless.

He just grunted. The joker didn't know

So he threw another piece but the homeless did not eat the bread just looked quite mad. Joker huffed this isn't a homeless person just a normal person because he isn't eating the bread that's being thrown at him.

Joker kicked the sleeping bag on the floor. Damnit!!!

Bryce wave batman wheeled onto the scene.

"Hey you can't just throw bread at people, man?" He said, joker just looked at him.

"Stop looking at me like that?" Bruce said but joker could not stop looking and then he pulled off some bread and threw it at Bryce's head. Bruce put a hand to his head and said ow.

"Why are you throwing bread at me? You're the joker, you should rob a bank or kill a man."

Joker rolled his eyes. "I'm trying something different, I'm feeding the homeless."

"But I'm not homeless?" Bryce said

Joker was confused

If this wasn't a homeless person then why was he throwing bread at batman?????

"Wait, I should be arresting you?!!?!!"@ Bruce waver realised quickly and struggled

He pulled a glock from his pocket and joker froze

What has he got himself into?

The one time he was trying to be nice?? He feeds the homeless and what he gets is Bryce wave in a wheel chair with a glock in his hand.

Worst. Day. Ever.

Joker ducks, he dodged the bullet and Batman yells but he can't run because he's in a wheelchair

Joker gets away easy.

He pants and he walks into starbucks

"Unicorn frap please." He says, ordering his favourite drink

"Okay" a familiar voice says and it's y/n behind the counter at star bucks with luscious hair and lips and a uniform

She smiles and his heart goes badum

"One unicorn frap for joker" the sweet voice calls out and joker grabs his drink. Y/n leans in and whispers "made with my special juice"

Joker really hopes it's oat milk

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