Bungee jumping

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I woke up from my long nap to see the joker sleeping next to me. I forgot I was dating him for a minute.


You started crying.

"But mr J" you grabbed your arm and looked down at your joker printed bedsheets. "When I was thirteen I went bunjee jumping and then the rope broke for my sister and she splattered on the ground"

Mr J just looked sad before he said, "well, you can't hold onto old memories. I'm sure your sister wants you to bunjee jump again, doll face." He was smiling and then you smiled and looked up at the ceiling as if you were looking at your dead sister in heaven.

"Okay mr J, let's go bunjee jumping."

"I wouldn't have taken no for an answer, I may be the joker but I can't fly."

You both laughed


Time skip

You were at the bridge and you and the joker were talking to a man named Bryce wane about buying tickets to the jumping he said he could give you two but then he looked T the joker and stared

You were gonna start sweating because Omg what if someone recognised the joker and locked him away in Arkham asylum you would lose your boyfriend and also all his luxuries

The joker held your hand and smiled at Bryce wane and just said "hello I'm josh"

And Bryce wave believed


You had a diaper looking thing on your waste and so did joker you were going to jump and bunjee but you were getting scared

The voices in your head were saying "your going to die like your sister, why are you doing this? You are dead near." And you were starting to freak out, because you didn't really wanna die and you didn't want joker to die either because you...... you.......... You L...................................Loved...............

Loved joker.

Joker held your hand, you were both going to jump together. So Bryce wane said ready set go and let you guys jump then someone called Tom turned to Bryce wave and said doesn't he look familiar and Bryce wave said no that's just a guy named josh he told me but then the other guy was like are you sure did you see what he looked like

And then there was a scream.


You looked down and joker was still holding your hand

You were both okay

You were holdin eachothers hands and you were okay. He didn't die like your sister, yay.

You kept bunjee jumping until night fall that was when someone yelled "omg that's the joker" and it was superman you were like oh shit someone knows who you are Mr J.

Mr j didn't seem bothered but Bryce wane did. He was like "what the hell why is the joker bunjee jumping??? That doesn't make sense superman, he should be committing crimes not bunjee jumping. Don't be stupid." And then Bryce wave was shot by a passer-by

Joker cut the ropes and held onto you and you fell into his purple lambs that was parked under the brudge for some reason

You drove home with the souvenir of the bunjee belt

The end

the joker x reader imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora