CHAPTER 1 - Just the Begining

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Thousands of years ago, there stood a village called Fareglade surrounded by vast forests. Fareglade was home to a family of three sisters, these sisters were as beautiful as the stars, and the village loved them almost as much as they loved the Gods. They dedicated their lives to the Gods, these sisters. Constantly in pursuit of pleasing the hands which fed them. It is said that because of the sisters' diligence and servitude, the Gods granted them each with a gift. The girls were granted immense power beyond human understanding.

The eldest sister, her powers were from Demeter. With her gift she was able to bring bountiful crops and fruit-trees to the village.

The middle sister was blessed by Zeus, and gained the abilities to bring rain and storms to the village in order to prevent it from drought.

The youngest of the three sisters, however, was not so lucky. Her powers were given to her by a malicious God, the God of shadows. A God of darkness, known as Erebus.

When the youngest sister attempted the same feats as her sisters, she brought upon her village a plague, and a constant darkness that wouldn't lift for days. Many attempts of peaceful help from this poor girl only yielded disastrous results. When she tried to heal a child's broken arm, half the crops were torn down. When she tried to help someone move on from a great heartbreak, all the livestock within reach were slaughtered. Horrible consequences for attempts at mercy. The youngest girl had become tainted.

Her other two sisters tried to help this cursed girl hoping to bring her magic to the light-but it was too late. The third sister had been tampering with the dark magic for far too long, and had become consumed by it. After all, dark magic has a tendency to cling to those with darkness in their souls. Even just a sliver. The sweet, dutiful young woman was gone, replaced. Now she was all darkness. No light, no stars. Only the grim expanse of a black hole.

The girl found herself wanting to bring on that same bitter disaster she'd been so against originally. She was actively trying to bring disease to the crops, and tornadoes to the sweet summer storms. Her sisters feared for the fate of the village they loved. They still loved their young sister, and didn't want to hurt her. So, in an attempt to keep her safe, they locked her up for the good of the village.

But it seemed they were never able to keep her away.

Every few years the tainted one would break free, seemingly becoming more powerful with each stretch of time she was kept from the world. She would wreak havoc, hurting the village and its people every time she escaped. The fourth time she broke free the eldest sister knew she had to make a painful decision, either to protect the village or let it crumble to pieces. To continue 'protecting' what was left of her sister, or set the host's body to flames.

Without the second sister knowing of her intent, the eldest of the gifted walked away from the village and into the middle of a vast meadow. Calling for her youngest sister all the way. She stepped into the circular meadow, hidden from the village by miles of forest, with tears streaming down her face that glimmered as stars in the night sky. The last stars her sister would see after months of darkness seeping into her thoughts, painting her morals in a dark hue.

A battle commenced.

After days of fear and doubt and deep sadness-the eldest sister had won. The death of her youngest sister hit her with such sorrow. She let out a cry so loud it shook the trees, made the wind blow with rage, and moved the earth beneath her. Order was once again brought back to the small village of Fareglade, but at a hefty cost.

Yet, while the oldest sister wept, a shadow cast itself into the earth from the youngest sister's body. To wait for its next chance, its next host. You see powers can never truly die, just like energy. The energy of our world is one with us and a constant traveler of time and space. The power of the Gods would wait in the crevices of the earth, for the next generation of gifted ones to be chosen.

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