white bridge

6 1 0

" " - Narrator pov
' ' - Mind voice

2 years later:

      "You will be the reason why everyone around you will die , you are a threat that should be removed from this world or else you will be the destruction of this world "

As Hana open her eyes with a teary eyes she realized that she was just having a dream... It has been 2 years since Hana and Jean came to the white bridge village it was the home town of Jean ...

"White bridge village is in the north side of the kingdom most of the time the village will be covered in snow but the bridge that connects the village and the forest will always be covered in snow so only it get the name of white bridge.. "

Jean : Hana wake up fast did you forget what today was

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Jean : Hana wake up fast did you forget what today was . I thought you have been waiting for this day for so long ... Get ready and come out in 10 minutes...

Hana: Hahhh Jean stop nagging me i will just be out in 5 minutes if you just shut up...

" After getting ready Hana went to the designated place where they all planned to meet.. Before Hana reached there shiki shachin and Akira has been there early waiting for Hana "

" Hana was wearing a cyan color coat which was mixed with different colors like grey , black and golden it was a full hand dress and she was wearing a full Black pant "

" Akira was wearing a white gown with a blue knots with collars it was a full hand dress "

" Shachin and shiki both wearing a matching dress with different colors shiki was wearing a black jacket with black pants and shachin was wearing a white jacket with black pants"

" Shachin and shiki both wearing a matching dress with different colors shiki was wearing a black jacket with black pants and shachin was wearing a white jacket with black pants"

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After 5 minutes

Jean: Looks like everyone has arrived in time it was good and Everyone was looking thrilled and excited...

     Today is the day we are going to start your battle training morning we will train and in the evening you guys have to study Akira you can only watch them train after a year i will start your training too soo don't feel bad..

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