Silver lake forest

13 1 1

" " - Narrator pov
' ' - Mind voice

(Year : 997AD)

     "Everything started at the year 997 AD at first i was always excited to travel around the world carefree but one day everything has changed into a nightmare after that i was never been able to smile the only thing in my mind at that time was to became stronger so that i can protect the people i loved"

"Jean and Hana have been travelling in a mountain path "

Hana: Jean what's our destination the path that we took don't seem like we are going to an normal village

Aren't you the one that told the mountains are owned by the vampires and we shouldn't go near a mountain??

Jean : My lady you sure have lot of questions don't worry you will know everything when we go there lets take a break here it will be long journey...

Hana: This is soo pretty i have never came to an mountain before so this is how it will look . Jean i have a question it doesn't look like we are going deep into the mountain it's like we are going in a different path.

Jean: You are very intelligent my lady as you said we are not going into the mountain we are actually going into the forest that was within the mountain so only we can enter this mountain...

Hana : I heard forests contain all the wild beast that are not tamed by any human why are we going to the forest isn't it very dangorus....

Jean: Don't worry my lady someone invited us there it was actually a surprise don't spoil it by asking me too many questions...

Hana: ok ok i won't ask you any questions but can you just call me by my name how many do i have to tell you and i have no idea Why are you calling me like that??...

Jean: It will be pretty rude to call you by your name my lady but if you insist i will call you by your name is it ok my dear Hana...

Hana : I like it thank you jean you are the best ..

" When jean and hana was having a conversation Hana 's stomach started growling"

Jean: Looks like someone is hungry the whole time just wait for 30 minutes i will finish fishing and i will cook it ...

Hana : shut up i am not hungry 😤😤

" Jean always travelled alone for more than 50 years .. but for last 2 years he has been travelling with a group of travellers so that Hana can grow up in a good environment where there will be people who can show her love and care she needed.. Jean and hana only travelled here alone since they have to cross a mountain to get to the forest but after finishing their job  they will join with them again in the drago village "

" After two week jean and hana have reached their destination "

Jean: Hana dear we have reached our Destination see there it's the entrance of the forest...

Hana: It looks creepy wowww

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Hana: It looks creepy wowww .....

Jean: you sure like creepy places.... Hana let's goo inside and don't pick any fight inside we have to be silent so that we don't distrub any beasts....

" The place was filled with trees which can even reach the sky in both sides inbetween there is a old un maintained stairs to go up and in a distance there is the entrance of silver lake forest "

Hana: Jean look there . There is a man standing on the entrance .

Jean: Don't worry he was the one who was going to guide us in this forest.. let's get going there are so many things we have to do in this forest...

Hana: You sure are a very suspence ful person Jean ...

Author note:

I hope you guys like this story thank you for supporting me by reading this story since this was my first story there will be some mistakes here and there hope you don't mind it thank you guys

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