Inner Critic's Groceries Fell Out Of The Bags!

5 3 6

Price Chopper

Washington Plaza

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Cashier: *bags IC's items into two bags* Here you are, now get lost.

Inner Critic: *walks out of the supermarket with his groceries*

Woman: *outside waiting for the bus* You waiting for the bus?

Inner Critic: No, I don't have any money for bus fare. I'm walking home. *carrying his heavy bags of items*

Woman: Okay.

Inner Critic: *walks past Liberty Bank*

Drivers: *driving on both sides of Washington St*

Inner Critic: *walks past Wadsworth Glen, CVS, and walks right onto West St*

Woman: *drives across the bridge, and speed bumps, and stops at the stop sign*

Inner Critic: *still carrying his heavy groceries*

Items: *drop out of the bags from the bottom, and onto the ground*

Inner Critic: Are you kidding me?! *irate*

This story was written on Friday, December 29th, 2023.

A/N Tough luck, IC!!! Those bags were too weak to sustain such weight of those items! XD Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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