Walter Ran Out Of Mustard

5 2 15

Wall St

Middletown, Connecticut

Walter: *opens his fridge* Where is the mustard?

Jasmine: You probably used it all.

Walter: I just boiled some hot dogs. All I got is ketchup.

Breanca96: Then, just use ketchup. Problem solved.

Walter: One of you is gonna go to the supermarket, and get me more mustard!

Jasmine: Why don't you get it yourself?

Walter: *gives Jasmine 10 bucks* Hurry back now!

Jasmine: *sighs* Treating me like some errand woman. *leaves for Stop and Shop*

Breanca96: *looks into the cabinet* There's also a can of Hormel chili! You can put that on your dogs as well!

Walter: Dogs?!

Breanca96: Hot dogs, stupid! Jeez!

This story was written on Sunday, December 17th, 2023.

A/N Walter, you can still put ketchup or chili on your hot dogs, if you ran out of mustard! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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