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She sat on her bed and cried. It seemed like no matter what she tried to do, Annie always found a way to make her feel worthless and hopeless, forever the ugly, fat twin. Every time she was interested in a boy, Annie would swoop in and get to them first. Perri decided it was not worth the effort. It was less heartache that way. However, Andromeda knows Perri has had feelings for Bodhi since they were kids. Staring at herself in the mirror across from her bed, she started combing her hair. It fell around her shoulders. She had let Ashley talk her into dying it red. The color was actually called Candied Cherries.  Thank God it was semi-permanent. Even though every time she washes her hair, now it looks like the shower scene from Psycho. 

She pulled out her bathing suit and held it up to her body. It was definitely too big. At least I have a valid reason why I don't join them. I'm sure I won't be missed. She stuffed the suit back in the drawer and pulled out a pair of pajamas.  So, what if it's 2:30 in the afternoon? I have no plans to leave my room for the day.


About an hour later, she heard the sound of a bouncing basketball. God, I bet Bodhi is out there playing... without a shirt on. Let's not get all hot and bothered again. But I would like to see if he kept himself in great shape. By the looks of him in that T-shirt today, he looks like he is in even better shape than the last time I saw him.

She made her way to the living room so she could look out the window that overlooked the hoop. He was out there playing two on two with Holden, Jake, and Lewis. She was right, he looked so damn sexy. He was glistening with sweat. It made him look like he was covered in baby oil. He was one pair of Calvin Klein underwear away from being on a billboard off the interstate. 

He is nowhere near the tall, skinny, knobby-knee boy I met seven years ago. Puberty was more than kind to him. Now, he was a taller, muscular, handsome, sexy, irresistible man. Did I mention that he is completely unobtainable? He is my brother's best friend. Holden would never allow it. She sighed deeply. Christ, he looks like a balloon filled with grapes, plums, and a washboard. She could feel her panties getting damp. 

Not even thinking, she put her hand on the window almost as if to reach out and touch him. His bathing suit was barely hanging onto his hips. God, I hope those fall off. I bet the equipment matches the frame. Come on, Perri. Snap out of the dream world. You have a better chance of getting into Channing Tatum's pants. He's not friends with your brother.

She watched him as he dominated the game. Granted, the other three did baseball as their sport of choice. He was large for a basketball player as far as his body composition was concerned. He was a remarkable point guard. 

She had been standing there for several minutes when he looked over, and they locked eyes. He must have thought she was waving because he waved at her. She immediately pulled her hand off the window. Her face turned candy apple red as she looked away. 

Oh, fuck me... She looked back up, and he was still looking at the window. ...Sideways. 

She saw him throw the ball to Holden and then started to walk away from them. Her heart jumped up in her throat. He was coming towards the house. She ran back to her room and slammed the door behind her.


The guys made their way outside. Lewis and Jake headed to the pool. Annie had a couple of friends over, and the two boys felt that they should introduce themselves to avoid being rude.

Holden noticed that Bodhi looked nervous. He was bouncing his leg. 

"Bodhizafa, what's bothering you? Is it a girl?"

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