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Persephone looked at herself before she entered the shower. Since she lost all the weight, her stretch marks started showing. She pinched at her loose skin. The skin was not that bad. She was young, and it still had a lot of elasticity. Did she have marks? Yes, but you would have to be right up on her to see them. But, in her mind, it was blindingly obvious. 

"I would look better if I put the weight back on. I am not sure why I did this in the first place. Who the heck am I trying to impress?"

She pulled the clip from her hair. It didn't move. Sweat from the run plastered it to her head. Her legs were sore. She could hear Holden joking and laughing with his friends. They must have been in the kitchen. Letting out a loud sigh, she turned on the water. Steam started to gather in the room. She entered the shower. She let out a little scream. "Holy shit. That's a little warm!" Turning the water to a cooler temperature, she heard Bodhi's voice. He has the sexiest voice. It's deep and slightly raspy.

"No! I don't fuck and tell!"

"YOU LIE!" she heard Jake yell back at Bodhi.

"I do not!"

"You're trying to tell me you didn't get your dick wet?"


"BUT?" Holden asked.

"I did get it sucked!"

All three of the boys laughed too long and too loud.


Guys are so stupid. She started to wash the sweat off as she watched the water run down her new body. The bubbles swirled around the drain. She wondered what Bodhi would think of her now. Perri hadn't seen him in over four months. He went to school out of state. The last time he saw her, she was chubby and had braces. She was in those stupid braces for eighteen months. It was awful. Bodhi was always nice to her, though. She appreciated him for his kindness. Even though she was sure, he did it at his brother's request. Just like she was sure, Jake and Lewis did too.


❤️If she closed her eyes and imagined hard enough, she could feel his hands on her. She was sure he would prefer her sister, but in her fantasies, she was the only one, and her sister didn't exist. Taking the showerhead off the wall, she put it on pulse. She slid down till her ass hit the tiled floor. She spread her legs, feeling the water banging on her clit; she tipped her head back and closed her eyes.

God, I wonder what it would feel like to have his mouth on me. She had never been with a boy. She kissed one at a party once. Annie had convinced her to play a round of spin the bottle. As the bottle spun, everyone jumped back from the circle, and only one boy was left. After the party ended, she learned that the boy who kissed her had lost a bet, so she was paired with him. The game was rigged. Her first kiss was with a boy who lost a bet. She hadn't kissed anyone since. She was fifteen and completely humiliated. I bet Bodhi is an excellent kisser. I bet anything he does with his mouth is excellent. 

Her mind started to wander. She could see Bodhi in her mind. His 6-foot-3-inch, muscular frame, brown hair, shaved on the sides and long on the top, invaded every fold of her brain. She loved it when he would pull it back into a ponytail. When he wore it down, it hung over his forehead and blocked his left eye. It was sexy as hell, but she liked seeing his eyes. 

I would love to take hold of that ponytail while his head is between my thighs and look into his eyes. They were the color of crystal-clear water in the shallows of the Bahamas. 

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