"Thank you."

Ryujin and Yunjin lugged the suitcases up the stairs and the couple toured Ryujin around the floor, pointing where the bathroom is and where Yunjin used to stay before she moved into Chaewon's room. Once they got Ryujin settled in they left her to unwind and the two beelined to Chaewon's bedroom.

Once the door closed, they immediately shared another kiss and held each other close. Trying to make up for lost time.

"I don't know if I can handle a long-distance relationship." Chaewon says in between their kisses.

"Me neither." Yunjin answers back, her lips went down further to her neck and her hands were already creeping down to her butt.

Chaewon pulls back from their kiss and stops her. "Baby, there's people inside the house." She pulled up her hands and kissed both of them. "We can save it when we're alone."

Yunjin whined at that. "Can't we silently do it at night when everyone's asleep?"

"You know we're not that subtle, right?"

She sighs in defeat. "Right." She pulled her in for a hug and swayed them a bit. "But I'm glad to be with you again. My mom made me bring a lot of stuff for you. We might need to keep some in the freezer."

Chaewon was surprised. "Really? That's sweet of her. I'll have to send her a care package then. Maybe something for your sister as well."

Yunjin smiled widely, she loved how her mom already adores Chaewon and that Chaewon was starting to feel the same. They spent the rest of the morning unpacking and showing off the stuff Yunjin bought for them, happy to see Eunchae enjoy the many gifts she received and then they spent the rest of the day lounging around and keeping Ryujin company as she acquainted herself with the house.

They had dinner and the house was livelier than before, she was happy to be with her girls again and now she gets to be with her good friend for the rest of the month. She wishes this moment could last for a long time.


Yunjin steps in the house after coming home from her first day back at work. She toes off her shoes by the entrance and was a bit surprised to see Ryujin reading the newspaper in the living room.

"Welcome home, working man." Ryujin says teasingly as she pries her eyes away from the paper. "How was work?"

Yunjin trudges to the couch to drop herself next to Ryujin and takes off her laptop bag from her shoulders. "Tiring. But the trip back home was worse. I keep forgetting how bad rush hour is here. People kept elbowing me on the train."

Ryujin laughs and pats her on the shoulder. "Well I'm sure it's not that bad when you get used to it again."

"What about you, what did you do today?"

Ryujin leans her head back on the couch. "Jogged. Then helped Chaewon with the garden and cleaned the house." Then she raised the paper in her hand. "Read the news. Pretty much it."

"You okay if I ask how you're really doing?"

"Yeah." She breathes out. "I got a couple of messages from her again. Saying she was sorry, and she wants to try to get back together."

Yunjin raised a brow. "Did you reply?"

"I did." She rubs her forehead roughly. "I know I shouldn't talk to her. But it's just hard because everything is still fresh."

Yunjin wasn't really pleased at the response but she didn't want to make Ryujin uncomfortable. "What did you say?"

"I said that I didn't want to get back together. She broke my heart, broke my trust and I don't think I can ever recover from that." Ryujin breathes out and looks up at the ceiling. "I want to move on from her. I feel like I need to forget about Se-Ri. I don't want to be burdened by this for too long."

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