Bad Boy Persona

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Jake guides her to the nearby cafe before they both sit down at a table near the window, he takes a minute to look at her before finally speaking up, he seems to be a little quiet now

Jake: So do you actually take breaks when you study at home? *he smiles at her*
Nami: *nod*
Jake: *smiles* I'm surprised, usually students like you spend their whole day studying just to get the perfect grade, I couldn't imagine spending my whole day just studying, I swear I'd go crazy.
Nami: I don't study all day
Jake: Oh really? What do you do the rest of the time besides studying?
Nami: On Monday I have my Tennis course, on Tuesday I have my dance course, on Wednesday I just relax or hang out, on Thursday I have my dance course and on Friday I have my Tennis course again...
On the weekend... it depends.
Is that enough?
Jake: *looks at her with surprised eyes* Tennis courses? You know I didn't think of you as someone who would play tennis that's cool, and I don't think I knew you go to a dance course, you're quite the busy girl huh?... What kind of dance do you even do?
Nami: K-pop and Hip hop dances
Jake: Really? Wait... You didn't tell me you could dance?

Jake leans in closer to her and looks at her with curious eyes, he can't help but notice how adorable she looks when she's just talking about her hobbies. He suddenly gets overwhelmed with the urge to just pull her in for a kiss.

Nami nods,
Jake smiles before noticing that she didn't seem to pay much attention to what he said

Jake: Well if you know how to dance then why don't you show me your moves huh? *Jake smirks at her* I'd love to see you dance.
Nami: Not now
Jake: Come on!

Jake leans in closer to her with a grin, he wanted to see her dance even if this wasn't the best time. His hand finds it's way on her leg

Jake: Pretty please?
Nami: I just dance for the crowd *smile*, I dance on the stage.

Jake's face lights up when she mentions she's into performing on stage.
Jake: Wait wait wait, you actually go on stage? And perform? For people to watch? Are you really that good?

Jake asks, his eyebrows raised in anticipation. He was pretty much in disbelief at her response.

Nami: With my friend of my course,... Don't think that I'm famous *smile*
Jake: You actually like performing and being in front of an audience? I mean I assume this means you're not a shy person.
Nami: I am a shy person, but the most of the people don't know me, so I can whatever I want, *smile*, and I just have to do the same things when I practice, and just add some facial expressions...
Jake: So the fact that you're up there in front of all those people doesn't scare you at all? I mean most of the time if not all the time you're the center of attention right?
Nami: A bit.

Jake lets out a small sigh and smiles again

Jake: Wow, you're pretty brave, I mean just the thought of hundreds of people staring at me while I try to dance seems pretty terrifying. But you just seem to pull it off effortlessly.
Nami: I just like it *smiles*
Jake: Well you're pretty talented, and plus your face fits the whole image of a kpop star *Jake leans in even closer*, you sure you wouldn't mind if I watched you at one of your performances one day?
Nami: I wouldn't mind, but you won't see me anyway *smile*
Jake: Why wouldn't I see you? I'm pretty sure I would know if I saw you no matter what type of makeup you're wearing, *Jake then leans in even closer and whispers into her ear*, besides I know I can recognize you by your pretty eyes even from a mile away...
Nami: *blush* what? *giggles* don't be silly.

Jake chuckles as he pulls back slightly and looks at her with a devious grin

Jake: trust me, your eyes are the thing I've been staring the most whenever you're on stage, they're not that easy to forget.
Nami: Thanks?
Jake: Oh, and I have to say, those eyes get even prettier when they blush.
Nami: Hey...
Jake: You know it's true, your blushing doesn't hide that pretty face. It only makes it more adorable.
Nami: Stop it Jake.

Jake chuckles and leans back against the chair again, making sure to maintain his distance from her as he leans back at his chair

Jake: Aww, are you blushing? Well it's only natural to get flustered when someone says cute things to you.
Nami: Right, so don't do it,... Just continue to be the bad boy.
Jake: Fine Fine, I'll act like the bad boy that I am.
Nami: Right

Jake smirks at her

Jake: But...

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