Carter tried to attack her from the side but yelped when the vampire grabbed her, throwing her into the air. Carter let out a whimper of pain as she watched the rest of them run past her, trying to catch up to Victoria once more. 

Are you alright?’ Paul asked, stopping before her as Carter got up, 'I'm alright, sweetheart. go, don't let her get away.’ she demanded, huffing slightly as the two of them began running again. 

Carter pushed her limbs to go faster, and being the Red Wolf, she was ahead of her pack in minutes, she growled, intent on killing Victoria. She barked, trying to bite at the woman, who was still a few inches ahead of her and all Carter got was a mouthful of ginger hair. 

She snarled as Victoria jumped into the air, once again trying to outrun them but Carter had other things in mind as she leapt behind her. Carter grew hopeful as she clamped her teeth around Victoria's cold wrist; but before she could completely chomp her hand off, Victoria kicked her midair. 

Carter landed on her feet, a few feet away from her as she once again growled, sprinting after her. 

They reached a clearing, ‘Carter watch out she's gonna jump into the water!’ Paul's alarmed voice ran through her head as she tried to stop, barely tumbling from the cliff herself. She glared down at the water, letting out a disappointed huff as Jacob came to stand next to her, he nudged her with his snout gently, ‘Hey, it's alright. We’ll get her next time.’ he assured her and Carter simply nodded at him. 

Carter spotted some movement from her peripheral vision and she turned to see a very familiar figure standing on the same cliff the pack usually jumped from. She squinted her eyes, spotting a brunette she knew all too well. 

Shit, Jacob, that's Bella.’ she informed the younger boy who immediately perked up at the mention of his best friend. 

She's going to jump.’ Jacob predicted and Carter looked back out at the sea, ‘in this weather? Does she have a death wish or something?’ Carter groaned. 

Well-’ Jared started but Carter interrupted him, ‘Don't answer that.’ she mumbled. 

She turned back to face the rest of them, ‘Guys go check on Harry Clearwater. The poor man is probably in shock. Jake and I will handle Bella and we'll join you soon.’ 

Sam nodded, leading the pack back into the woods while Jacob and Carter walked off to the beach. As they reached the clearing, the two separated, shifting back as Carter found the tree behind which a small backpack was stashed. She opened it to find a pair of mid-length shorts and a maroon tank top along with some undergarments that she had put in every backpack throughout the woods. 

She emerged from behind the trees to see Jacob waiting on the shore impatiently, he bounced on his feet and Carter frowned, “what's wrong?” she asked, patting his back as she reached him. Jake frowned in worry, craning his neck as if it would help him, “I saw her jump, but she hasn't surfaced yet,” he informed her and carters eyes narrowed, “what?” she asked sharply, immediately kicking off her slippers, she slipped out of her tanktop, passing it to Jacob who stared at her dumbly. 

She sighed heavily, “I swear if she's dead, I'll kill her.” she said, moving towards the sea that was particularly violent that day. She cursed loudly as the cold water hit her knees, her breathing became quicker and she felt her heart beat violently as she strode further into the water. Once she was deep enough, she inhaled deeply before she went underwater. 

Astrophile (Paul Lahote x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt