Episode 6: Kill the Dream.

Beginne am Anfang

Lubbock: Uh, shouldn't the tofu be by itself? And beef bowl just a beef bowl?

Leone/Najenda/Seven Shades: Sounds great!

Lubbock: Huh?

Zeta: And We were thinking of a friend chicken topping. Thoughts?

Lubbock: Isn't that a bit heavy? There's no need for more meat----

Leone/Najenda/Seven Shades: Sounds great!

Lubbock: Night Raid and Shadow Garden women are carnivorous.

He says as camera switches to river as we see Tatsumi getting out of it while he is wearing armor.

Sheele: You did well to swim in that armor.

Tatsumi: It's so heavy... This is hard.

Sheele: It's an important discipline on the assassin-tracking curriculum. Since I don't have a specific job at base, I can concentrate on training you.

Y/n: Why don't you have a job?

Sheele: While cooking... I burned the meat, and angered Akame.

Akame: The meat...

Sheele: While cleaning, I made a bigger mess, and made more work for Bulat

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Sheele: While cleaning, I made a bigger mess, and made more work for Bulat.

Bulat: Hehehehehe. Don't worry about it!

Sheele: While shopping, I mistook sugar for salt, and Leone laughed at me.

Leone(laughing): And this amount is ridiculous!

Sheele: While doing laundry... I accidenly washed Mine with the laundry.

Tatsumi/y/n: We don't mind that last one. In fact, good job.

Tatsumi: By the way, Sheele

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Tatsumi: By the way, Sheele... When I first met everyone, you weren't in that group, right?

Sheele: Hmm... I feel like there was a reason... But I've forgotten.

Y/n/Tatsumi: Oh...

Sheele: I'm sorry for being so---

She says bowing but her glasses fell off.

Shadow Ga Kill! (Akame ga kill x male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt