"Yah," Hao laughed, finishing his work by putting a one time band aid over the slit. "Ain't it what you'd normally do? Like damn! They hurt my boyfriend. They should know not to mess with you."

Hanbin took Hao's hands, ones that made sure he was okay. "You know you sound the hottest now? Like you can break me into pieces and I'd happily let you."

Hao raised his eyebrows, "Oh really?" He suddenly moved closer to the other's lips, leaving warm whispers, "Then let me do it tonight, will you?"

He expected a quirky reply, but instead, Hanbin clasped his wrists together and offered those to his boyfriend, saying, "Do it. Do anything you like to me. I'm yours to own anyway."

Hao blinked a few times. There was a rising desire to actually crush Hanbin to the bed, kiss him blind and fuck him till he was sore. But he was skeptical, he didn't think things would go that way. Cause that night, he was ready to get it.

"You sure?"

"Absolutely." Hanbin said, quite impatient, "I wanna know the dominant side of yours too, babe."

Hao smirked. There was no going back, right? Besides, who lets such an opportunity go? So he commanded, "Alright, get naked, then lie down on the bed, legs spread, hands over your head."

So he likes to just get to it? Cool. Hanbin saw him stand up, waiting for the younger to comply. While waiting, while Hanbin was doing as told, he casually took out a leather belt from his suitcase cause well, something had to do.

(A/N- The rest of this chapter has mature content 🔞)

Hao took his shirt off first, then twisting the belt in his hold, approached the other. Hanbin listened to him well, setting himself free of every bit of fabric, and laid totally naked on the bed. Hao got on, hovered upon him to take those hands and tie them tightly using that belt. He double checked by pulling the extended part, and once satisfied got off. He sat on the edge of the bed, on his knees, teasingly playing with the waistband of his shorts. Hanbin watched him carefully.

"Now I know what those abs do." Winked the younger male. Clicking his tongue, Hao leaned down, face dangerously close to the other's hip. Since Hanbin was naked, his semi hard member was about to touch Hao's throat. He buckled his hip upwards, so that it actually did. Hao giggled, "What are you doing?"

"You've tied my hands, so.."

"Ain't this what you wanted?"

"Yup." Hanbin said, "I also want you to touch me now."

"Relax, what's the rush?" Hao moved back, sliding his hands under the other's thighs, pulling them upwards, "You're under my control now, let me do it my way."

Hanbin fell silent, trying to see where things would go. He felt the other grope his butt cheeks first, and then a harsh slap landed there. The younger yelped, yet smiled. He felt the sting, but it felt really really good.

"So you're into this." Hao smirked. He never really checked what Hanbin would like as a bottom, since most of the time, he let the other be on top. He slapped the younger's butt a few more times, leaving it red with the imprints of those fingers. Hanbin hissed from the pain, but the precum leaking off his member showed how well he received it. Hao moved upwards, towards his lips. Hanbin eagerly pushed his head, to meet those lips. He was dying to kiss his man- his hot man to be precise. But Hao, he was real while saying he'd have it his way.

He didn't deepen the kiss. Just teasing those lips at the surface, he moved back, leaving Hanbin whining and wanting more.

"This is not fair, babe!" The younger said. For the first time, he wanted his hands free, so that he could pull Hao's face and deepen the kiss. However, Zhang Hao was having fun. He sucked his own lips in, mimicking a kissing gesture as if saying- you can't kiss me unless I let you.

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