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Lauren's POV
Home sweet home. The trains are whistling. The dogs are barking. And the sound of squeaky choir voices are everywhere. Yup, I'm back at school. Still hurts that band isn't here, but that ought to change soon. Those other choir kids can't stand a chance against us. We got the hard part out of the way. There's no more threats. No more nothing. We have to get the principal out of the way then we'll be home free. What else is going to get in the way? The jocks are way too cowardly to go against Jade. The choir kids are way too afraid of me. Drama kids? They're way too airheaded to go against Mason. He can kick their butts if he wanted. Or at least that's what he said in sixth grade.

Mason's POV 

First of all, I tried beating drama kids up once and I ended up with a broken ankle, so Lauren is lying. I only told her that to impress her. Next, I'm still worried about Lauren either way. She may seem cocky now, but her moods change really fast (due to a disorder, but let's not talk about that). I really wish that no more hassle would come upon us, but with our luck, we have a lot more heading our way. Oh, mine and her relationship? We're not dating. Just to get that out of the way.
Jason has been really suspicious lately ever since we got let out of jail. I have no idea what the heck that's about. I've probably known Jason the longest out of anyone. Usually I know what's up, but this time I have no idea. I wonder what that's about.

Jerad's POV

Just to get this out of the way, me and Jade are in fact together. 

Anyways, life has gotten better. I know band is not here, but wait until the school board hears that a result of this whole issue had a former student on the verge of death. If they don't listen to this, they're just a bunch of heartless jerk faces. 

Clair and Anna are finally out of our hands now. I feel bad for Jason though. He seemed pretty torn up about Jocelyn. The way he screamed and cried in her ear was very devastating. And disturbing. I haven't seen him in such a long time. I wonder why that is. He's probably sitting in his room heartbroken. 

Jason's POV

I'm not that heartbroken anymore. It was all part of the plan. What plan? Well I'm not going to reveal that right now. No one else needs to know that. 

I have nothing else to say. 

Jade's POV

Operation band happiness is in full affect. Me and Jerad have came up with a full fledged plan. It involves all of us. Some more so than others. I've just been in an overall happier mood. Probably I actually have someone in my life now that actually cares about me. I haven't been cussing people out, I've been going to the office less, and I actually hate people less now. But that doesn't mean I'm not plotting revenge on certain people. 

Jordan's POV

I feel a lot less crazy now, but I still feel quite insane. I've accepted the fact that what happened throughout the past with my childhood and everything else, is all the past. I'm just going to move on. Easier said than done, but I can try right? Anyways, I'm going back to school. It's all part of accepting it. I don't have Clair and Anna poking me with a stick anymore. I'll try to turn back into the person I was before this all happened and I didn't feel psychotic. I'm on my way to recovering from my rock-in-a-corner self. I need to grab my trombone.

 Operation band happiness is about to take off. We're secretly making a band class in an abandoned room in the building. After school is let out at two o'clock, all the old band members (all fifty of us), are going to meet up in that room. My grandma owns an instrument rental shop about a mile away, and she told me she's willing to donate instruments because she thinks this whole situation is madness as well. Lauren's mom does lessons with almost every instrument except bassoon and baritone. Mason can reteach the baritones if he has to. My grandma is also willing to donate some sheet music. The only thing we need is a conductor. 

Zach's POV

I like this plan. I have nothing else to say but this: I'm ready. 

Sarah's POV

We're all ready. Time to bring back the only happiness in our lives: band.

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