"Please... just kill me. I've told you everything that I know."

Klaric bends down. "You see, I believe that you believe that. But what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hm? Anything?"

Katherine looks up and klaus compels her. "Tell me."

"They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an original without a dagger." Katherine tells him.

"Bonnie the best friend?" He asks.

Katherine nods. Klaric sighs. "I thought you said she didn't have her powers anymore."

"She doesn't. Or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me remember? I'm kind of out of the loop."

"Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that. What else do you know?"

"Elijah found his soulmate. Her name is Serenity she's a wolf."

Klaus perks up at this. "Tell me more."

"There's nothing else I know. Damon wouldn't let me close to her. She and Elijah are seen everywhere together. I don't know where she's been since he's been daggered."

Klaus hums at this. He had to meet this Serenity.

Salvatore residence

Serenity was now at the Salvatore house. Bonnie and Elena were there too.

"So this place is all yours? They just gave this place to you?" Bonnie asks.

Serenity laughs signing her copy. "Not just all hers mines as well."

Elena rolls her eyes as Bonnie smiles at the girl.

"For now. As sole owner I'm the only one who can invite certain type of person in here."

"Partial. I have every right as well so it has to be an agreement between us on who comes in. " Serenity says handing the man her paper.

"Why are you even signing if this is supposed to be my safe house? This has nothing to do with you at all." Elena says annoyed.

"But there's the thing it's not just about you Elena. Damon included me so since he did I have rights to this house as well. So suck it up."

She makes her way to the door as Elena finishes and hand the man her copy. The other three are behind her as Elena opens the door.

"Thank you Mr. Henry." Elena says.

Serenity walks out after him. "You're both invited in all depends on her."

She walks to Damon and hugs him. "I'll see you later."

He hugs her back and nods. She turns and walks to her car getting in and leaving.

Serenity was chilling in her room, cuddling Elijah when she got a call. She knew the ring tone and ignored because she didn't feel like moving.

"Maybe you should answer might be important." Elijah says.

"It's Damon, if it was important he knows what to do." Serenity says cuddling more into him.

She groans when she hears thumping noise at her window and sees Damon crow. She also hears her phone ringing again.

Elijah grabs it for her and hands it to her.

"How can I help you Damon?"

"Klaus is here. I need you here, please." Damon says.

"Fine! I'm on my way."

Serenity sighs and untangles herself from Elijah. She goes to her draw and puts on some sweats and grabs one of Elijah flannels.

She walks over to him and pulls him in for a light kiss. "I'll be back later unless Damon needs me for something else."

"Be safe. My brother is very dangerous and if he has Katherine then he knows about you." Elijah says pulling her in for a longer kiss.

She smiles as she pulls away. "I won't promise again because of what happened last time but I will make sure to be careful."

"That's all I ask." Elijah says.

She gives him once last kiss before heading out.


Serenity walks into the boarding house to see the four standing.

"Well, what's going on?" She says going to sit down.

"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon says.

"Really? How're we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like." Stefan says.

"Something tells me he's not gonna be sixteen and pimply." Damon says sarcastically.

Elena rolls her eyes before looking to Serenity. "Elijah never showed you a picture of Klaus?"

"Nope." Serenity answers.

Stefan looks to her. "Don't lie Serenity this is important."

"Why because Elena life is on the line? I could give two fucks. He didn't show me any pictures now get off my back about it."

"Why do you not like her? Elena has never done anything to you why can't you just cooperate!" Stefan says getting angry.

"I would advise you to back up. I won't hesitate to snap your neck if you yell at her again." Damon says standing in front Serenity.

Serenity sticks her tongue out at Stefan and Damon pinches her arms causing her to stop.

"Stop it. Now is not the time." He whisper yells.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and Alaric walks in.


Don't wanna make this too long. The next part should be here maybe an 1 hour or 2 after this one.

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My Way to You- Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now