The dance Part 1

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"Let's recap." Serenity says standing in front of Elijah with her computer open and a slideshow ready.

"Is the slideshow necessary?" Elijah asks. "Yes! I have to make this entertaining for both you and me." Serenity says.

"Now, Jenna found out about Isobel being alive. Caroline can't find Matt so she could compel him because he knows about vampires. Damon, Bonnie and Jeremy found the dead witches and now Bonnie has the power of 100 dead witches. Nobody knows where Alaric is. Since Damon took the moonstone from us he poorly and I mean poorly hid it and now Katherine has it."

"Stefan and Elena go to some historical thing so Elena could accept something for her mother but Isobel kills John as a distraction and Katherine steals Elena clothes. Isobel takes Elena and Katherine doesn't know anything about it. Stefan and Damon tries to go find them but end up with nothing."

"Come to find out Isobel took Elena to her grave and she then took her daylight necklace off when she got a call from someone. So she killed herself in front of Elena. BUT, here's the thing Isobel said something about a safe house so Stefan and Damon even gave her the deed of the house which isn't truly her house because I have to sign my name as well. Anyways... nobody knows that Bonnie got the powers. Katherine is missing and John is staying." Serenity finishes as she goes to the last side.

Elijah stares at her in disbelief at all this information. He then has a look. "If Katherine is gone then Klaus is here."

Serenity claps her hands in excitement. "I was waiting for you to catch on!" She goes and sit on the bed. "Here's my theory. So the witch that was with Isobel is with Klaus who took Alaric body. That same witch took Katherine since she's been running for 500 years."

(Ya'll I can't!!! I just have to let my characters be 10 steps ahead. It may not be fun to some of y'all but I be too giddy when I be writing these scenes!!)

"Klaus has a lot of favorite tricks up his sleeves. Sending his witches to do his bidding, body swapping and hiding in plain sight since a lot of people don't know what he looks like."

"Since you're entrance was dramatic I'm going to say he will be to so I chose body swapping." Serenity says.

"I am not dramatic." Elijah says confused.

Serenity smiles. "If that helps you sleep better at night then you keep believing that." She says kissing his cheek.

"He probably already in Alaric body and has Katherine." Elijah says.

Alaric apartment

Klaric opens up Alaric closet and looks through his clothes. "Ugh! Who is this guy? Safari Sam?"

He pulls out two shirts and demonstrates them to Katherine. "Okay. Bad... or badder?"

"The dark colors suit you better." Katherine answers.

"Oh, thank you, honey." He throws one of the shirt on the bed and puts the other on. "Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatore's possession, correct?"

The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house." Katherine tells him.

"Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guys a buzz kill."

"Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna." Katherine reminds him.

"Right. Elena's aunt. For, uh all the lies about Isobel." He walks closer to Katherine. "What else?"

"That's it." Katherine answers quickly. She flinches when klaric moves her hair out the way.

"So jumpy."

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