☾24 - Bonten Boom (Part 1)

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 Credit: @yyttyyttyyttt on twitter

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Credit: @yyttyyttyyttt on twitter


Taiju :

I better not see you at this party

(Y/N) :

What are you gonna do? Ground me?

Taiju :

😈 Something like that princess

(Y/N) :

(Think I might have to make an appearance then...)

Not delivered

You stared at the little glowing screen, puzzled as to why your message didn't send. "Hmm, no reception in the closet I guess..." Hina pouted, her breath warm against your neck as she peeked over your shoulder. The confined space amplified the slight scent of her perfume, mingling with the faint mustiness of the closet.

Emma and Yuzuha joined in, crowding around your phone, their silhouettes barely visible in the darkness. Their hushed voices reverberated off the closet walls, creating an intimate cocoon of sound.

You four were enveloped in darkness, the only light filtering in through the tiny cracks in the closet door, casting eerie shadows across your faces. The air felt thick with anticipation, each breath mingling with the scent of anticipation and nervous energy.

"I can't catch a break from you and Taiju..." Emma's voice carried a hint of frustration as she covered her eyes, her fingers brushing against your arm. Yuzuha remained silent, her gaze fixed on the darkness ahead, lost in her own thoughts.

"When are they gonna get here?" Yuzuha sighed with annoyance, the sound bouncing off the cramped walls of the closet. Her frustration was palpable, heightened by the bump of her head against the closet wall and the muffled curse that escaped her lips. "Can't believe we have to do this dumb shit..." Her words lingered heavily in the stale air, a sentiment shared by all of you, weighing down the atmosphere with tension.

The familiar jingle of Hina's phone interrupted the heavy silence, and she swiftly retrieved it. "Our lookalikes said they should be here in 10 minutes..." Her voice carried a glimmer of hope, momentarily lightening the mood within the confined space.

"Wait, how do you have reception and I don't?" You queried, perplexed as you watched Hina effortlessly send a message without any issues.

"We all know Docomo is better than Au..." Emma teased, injecting a hint of levity into the conversation despite the circumstances.

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