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The flickering flames of the fireplace cast a mesmerizing dance of heat and fire, their gentle glow lulling your nerves into a sense of calm. Hina and Emma nestled beside you, basking in the comforting warmth of the fire's embrace. On the nearby couch, Ken and Takemitchy sat with furrowed brows, their faces etched with worry and concern.

Since your return to Ken's apartment after the explosion, an unsettling silence had hung in the air, enveloping everyone in stillness. The muted hum of a news channel played softly in the background, while a steaming mug of hot cocoa rested in your steady hands.

Nobody spoke; it was as if you were all trying to grasp the severity of what had happened and how lucky you all were to have come out barely scathed. The unexpected loud notification from Ken and Takemitchy's phones disrupted the silence, breaking the stillness that had hung in the room for a while. All three of you, huddled on the floor, turned your attention to the men, their eyes illuminated by the glow of the phone screens.

"What's that?" Emma asked, voicing the curiosity that seemed to be on all your minds.

Both men's faces flashed with annoyance, and their eyes remained fixed on their screens. "Tomon's callin' an emergency meeting at this hour?" Ken said as he got up from the couch, with Takemitchy following suit.

"What? It's almost midnight?" Emma challenged, clearly upset by Ken's sudden departure.

Takemitchy turned around while Ken grabbed his jacket. "Looks like they got wind of that craziness earlier," he added, confirming the urgency of the situation.

Hina immediately interjected, "With the maniac still on the loose, it's unsafe for you. Let me go and help!"

Takemitchy's eyes widened, and he displayed his clear disapproval. "No way, it's too risky. We'll be back soon, Hina."

As they both exited the penthouse, the two of you exchanged a look, with various ideas swirling in your minds. Emma, her signature smirk in place, hinted at a plan that might not be the wisest. "We should follow them," she suggested.

You and Hina nodded in agreement. Emma hurried you both into her room, where you prepared to change into riding gear. "Let's hope I didn't forget how to ride a bike," you chuckled as you caught the jeans and heavy jacket Emma tossed your way.

Hina reassured you, "There's no way you did." The two of you quickly changed and stealthily slipped out of the door, making sure Ken and Takemitchy were still not in the hallway.

"How will we know where they are?" you whispered as the three of you cautiously walked through the hallway, scanning in every direction until you reached the elevator.

In an instant, Emma and Hina pulled out their phones, showing a tracking service that displayed their every movement. "Wait, what!" you whispered loudly.

With the elevator's ding, the three of you stepped in and headed towards the private garage. "You don't know? On the Find My app, you can add people..." Emma asked, acting as though you were already aware of this tracking method.

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