chapter nineteen

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"should I order another drink for you?" Angela asked
Toni shook her head
"Are you worried about Chris?" Nicky asked
Toni shook her head she sighed "I've been stressed this week I'm working and thinking way too hard" she admitted for she's been thinking
"Could it really be that he's the father?" Angela asked
Toni was assuming that this little girl is her husband's child she can't tell if she's in his name but as implemented it is so since he can took time to do things with and for her it's something rather more than she's summarizing, she knew he wanted children three or two he guess because she can't he went and get her pregnant, or maybe they had a wild night and she became pregnant so he's sticking and staying
"I'm thinking if it is that he starts a family with her it's only best I gave him a divorce, this way I can move back to Houston"
"To Eddie?" Angela said
"To that nice guy?" Nicky asked
They laugh
"I feel he wants me he's been nothing but nice" Toni said
"Mhmm" Angela and Nicky said
"I'm serious girls at least I have Hariel"
"How is she?" Angela asked
"I talk to her yesterday I'm to call her later"
"You call her every day?" Angela asked
"I promise I would?"
"I know you said Eddie is nice but do he made as much money as Chris?"
"Money well no he doesn't not yet but he's a professional electrician very good and besides that he can do everything he's starting up his own company now and his grand mother runs a business"
"Very nice business" Angela added
Toni nod
"Not bad" Nicky said
"It's not even about the money for I can afford myself all he has to do is be nice to me and he has been with his hands and with his words"
Angela and Nicky grin but with Toni's expression they knew it wasn't anything funny she was saying
Angela ordered more drinks for they had ran out
"I must have read too much novels my life as become like a novel" Toni said
"Oh girl sometimes they have happy endings" Nicky said
"Don't they?" Angela said
Nicky nod
"How many nights did your husband came home since you're back?" Angela asked
"He came that morning Monday to dropped off a bag of dirty clothes he came on Tuesday it seems he took more than what he wore for he didn't come home since"
"And he didn't call?"
"Mhm" Toni shook her head, "I tried not to call"
"It's Saturday night maybe we should go hang out at the pub get your mind off things for a little" Nicky said
"The pub and I haven't brought anything pub fancy"
"Anything you wear is fancy enough for anyplace" Toni said
Nicky agree
"Well we will see" Angela said
They relax a pit before leaving to go to Toni's Nicky was staying over Aldi was working tonight and her son AJ was at his aunt AJ was her and her's husband's only child neither seems to want anymore Angela quit at two and Toni is unable to have children.
The pub was the place to be Saturday night was jamming as the girls enjoyed themselves Toni put  it all a side she didn't drink nothing more than a club soda but it was all she needed
"Something is wrong with my friend?" Angela said she turn to look at Toni on the back seat, "you haven't had a drink all day"
"I don't feel the mode for liquor maybe one of you girls can be kind enough and mix mi a chocolate smoothie"
Angela look at Nicky
They could make it but Toni couldn't
"Ok I'll fix you one" Nicky said
"Since she'll fix it I'll be the one to take your shoe off and wipe your feet" Angela said
"Oh I wouldn't mind" Toni said
They laugh for a while,
Nicky park and they got out Toni stretch herself
"I wish I had a pool" she said
"You can build one you have a great back yard" Nicky said
"I have a pool in Texas huge and nice when I just go there it was just a hole in the ground but Eddie and his friends fixed it up in a day I can't wait for you to see my home" she said hugging Nicky they went in side  and Nicky make smoothies for them they sat and converse on so many things Toni rolled the sofa bed out and they gathered to sleep in it, they woke at the same time and went out for air, what happen to your garden?" Angela asked
"I left it for a month and they fret away" toni grinned
"They withered she meant to say" Nicky said
"But if she said it's frustration that kills them what can we say"
They giggle
"Ah such a nice morning ah we should go for a run" Toni said
"Let's go to the beach" Angela suggested
Nicky and Toni nod
They pack a nice basket put in Nicky's car heading to the beach
Emma had invited Chris to go to the beach with her and Nellie but he had was to see to something for his mother much as Emma was upset he couldn't say no to his mother so Emma went on her own with Nellie
She was there watching the little girl playing when she saw the three women coming on the beach before she made out anyone else she saw it was Nicky she became focused that she didn't realize her daughter ran off running towards the body of water Toni saw and ran towards her before she falls in, Angela and Nicky paused
"Nellie Nellie" Emma called out Toni let go the little girl and she ran to her mother, she came now to recognize the other woman was Toni and the other she didn't all that used to Angela who's now living in Colorado she look at them pick up her daughter and turned "Not even a thank you" Angela said
"A thank you would be nice" Nicky said
Emma look back at them but said nothing
"Careless bitch" Angela shout after her
But she didn't stop she picked up her things and left
"How well this is a good spot" Toni said taking refuge there Angela and Nicky join her and for a while they just relax before taking a swim
Emma slammed the door as she entered the house she came to notice Chris's car was in the driveway she called out to him he came from the kitchen, "so your wife is home is that the reason you didn't want to go to the beach for you know she was going to be there is this why you've been dropping by so often?"
"What you saying it was only when I went to leave the dirty things and to get clean shirts"
"And that had was to be done on separate days? I don't know what games you're playing Chris but if you want to keep your daughter you're going to have to tell that barren slut you call wife that you need a divorce or else, or else" she echoes
Chris nod "I told you I'm going to tell her"
"You better" she turn and went to another room Chris sigh
"And by the way" Emma comes back out the room, "how comes you're back from your mother so early and you couldn't come by the beach don't tell me you are afraid to let your wife see you with me"
"It's not that" Chris tried to explain
"You better make up your mind what you want us or her, I'll take Nellie and get a restraining order for you to keep away from us I'll let them know you abuse her"
"What! Emma what's gotten into you?" Chris asked
Emma hissed and left him standing,
The girls sat on the beach for almost the entire day "Nellie Trello could that be it?" Toni cuts in
Angela and Nicky look at her
"You're talking about the little girl?" Angela asked
Toni nod she was just curious and anxious to know what was going on not until she knows she won't be comfortable it feels she's living a lie
"Need me to hire a private investigator?" Angela touch her and lean in to look at her face
"Let it not be known by force I'll be good to go back to Texas next months"
"Could we spend Valentine's there I love the little environment in which I was" Angela said
"We could do that, what you think Nicky?" Toni asked
"As long as Aldi is up to it"
"It's valentine's day of crouse he's going to be up for it" Toni said
"Would he be crazy not to?" Angela asked she got up and Toni and Nicky got up too they started packing up it was almost the end of the day and Nicky was going home to her husband and son they eat out then she drove them home to Toni's they said their goodbye and she left,
"Tonight you'll sleep in the next room" Emma shove at Chris as he tries to get in the bedroom "until you get it right this is how it's going to be" Chris lift his hand he turned away going on the sofa to sit when the door to the room slammed hard he jumped, turn but she was inside he took a deep breath sighing hard,
After talking to Eddie Toni curled up on the sofa with Angela she was almost a sleep when Toni climbed on "I thought you would never say goodbye" she mutter
"Eddie misses me" Toni said " he's just telling me how things are working out with his business they added the final touch today he'll be doing job interviews tomorrow"
"That's nice wish him luck" Angela put up a thumb
Toni smile she curled up and listens as Angela falls back to sleep she lay with her thoughts, It took her a while before she fall a sleep
They were ready early for Angela has to get in her office by eight it was a quick one hour flight into Colorado and was sure she was going to make it in before eight
"Call me later" Angela hugged Toni "don't worry about nothing I love you"
Toni smile she nods "I love you"
Angela wave as she walked away she was gone beyond seeing point when Toni got in her van she went to the shop just as she got there she was call in to do some vase a dozen red roses vase to be picked up by five although she worked on her own  she made the time scheduled
"The person who came to collect was amazed they were so beautiful, Toni decorate for a Birthday on Tuesday Wednesday a wedding proposal and was asked to do an anniversary  party all in the same week, the other week was just as busy and Toni felt really tired at the end of those weeks
"How are you doing?" Eddie asked he was just coming in from work the business has started up he got fifteen workers so far,  that with amount three  cleaning ladies and two handy men he got two second hand van got them fix to go out when nothing, Noah had a small truck that he had parked since he was driving a different one he gave it to Eddie as a gift,
Toni was amazed thinking all a person want sometime is a push he send her pictures and it was perfect,
Friday afternoon Hariel went to las Vegas for the weekend when Toni called she was with her sister and pups Toni was surprised she brought her with her "I'm glad you are getting to spend time with your mother" Toni said
Evelyn was standing there
"Me too" Hariel said
"So they're all doing well how is your sister grace?" She asked
"We're having fun with pups"
"Be very careful not to leave them a lone you know little sister they like to squeeze" Toni said
Hariel giggle
Toni laugh, "I love you I won't steal family time so talk to you later"
"Later love you too" Hariel said
"Bye" Toni said
"Toni" Hariel called before she hang up
"Yes sugar plum"
"Can I give my mom my number?" She asked
"Well yes of course you didn't need my permission to do so" Toni said
"Ok" Hariel said
She heard chuckle before hangup "Oh Hariel you're such a crazy girl"
Hariel look at her mother who smile and rub her face for the first time Hariel felt glad to be in the presence of her mother like they finally become close,
Toni woke up Saturday morning tired than any other morning but some how she went for a run she wasn't gone far when she developed a slight cramp at her lower abdomen she wasn't used to pain like that and it's over three weeks since she got some action although Eddie had hurt her and left her swollen he didn't believe it could be affecting her after so long, she stop running and turn around to go back home she got home and rest soon it was gone sunday morning she tries again but it was the same thing "ok so you want to tell me something that I can't run when I want to" she spoke to the pain as  she was walking back, after that line she felt it sticked harder she had to stop walking to feel some ease she didn't run on Monday so she didn't experience any such cramps
She told Eddie about it after avoiding saying it to Angela and Nicky
"Maybe you should try walking slowly instead of running" he suggested this was better than her friends dragging her off to doctor and then they were going to name a list of complications that she has and she surely don't need to hear it,
"I'll try that" Toni said
"I don't want you hurting yourself"
"I won't" Toni chuckle
Dorothy look at him
"How is everyone? nana and Hariel and your team" 
"All good I know someone from the team who misses you a lot" Eddie said
Toni has a feeling he spook of his man hood
"Who your friend Noah?" She teased giggling
"My friend but not Noah sure ain't jack"
"Have I met him?" Toni continue to tease
"You've met him alright in ways you didn't know you would"
Dorothy look at him he was so deep in his conversation he didn't notice she did
Toni giggle "just tell him I'll see him soon" Toni said
"Ok" Eddie chuckle
"So you haven't had anything since?"
"What you think?" Eddie asked "you came around and because of that my woman left me" he turned to lean his back on the counter it was then he met eyes with his grandma who didn't turn away quickly enough she pretended not to be paying attention
"She didn't deserve you not with such hastol behavior" Toni grin
"You maybe right but because of that I have to be sleeping with myself"
I do that too so you're not a lone in this endeavor"
"Oh I see" Eddie said
"Yeah I love you so much Eddie it is as if nothing else matters anymore"
Dorothy pause this time she let it be known that she was hearing everything Eddie left the kitchen but she was able to hear him say he loves her too,
Tuesday morning  Toni did as Eddie said and walk slowly to and from but it took more time and she had was to get to the shop,
Wednesday she did that too and it was quite fine with her she face no cramps those days
"Did you talk to your wife?" Emma asked she had been giving Chris the cold shoulder for the past week he couldn't even talk with his daughter he had considered to go talk to Toni for he need to have his baby girl with him
"I.... Just didn't, didn't get the chance" Chris said
"So when will you?"
"Give me a little time" he said
Emma cross her eyes went in the room and slammed the door Chris was still out the room for he haven't did what he's to,
On Thursday Toni ran for she feels she would be alright she didn't get very far when the cramps took over she took longer to get home this morning and longer to get to work she was walking to the shop when she heard a voice behind her " why you walking as if a truck just drobe through you"
It was Angela she was in Manhattan for the day work has brought her she's meeting someone at noon but had came to spend time with her,
"I went running" Toni said sitting down once she let them in, "this cramp oh it's terrible" Toni said
"What you think cause that?" Angela sat next to her
Toni shrugged
Angela open her mouth
Toni held her hand up "it's nothing to see the doctor I'll be fine once I walk as Eddie said I'll be fine"
"It doesn't hurt when you walk?" Angela asked
Toni shook her head
"Then walk" Angela said
"I'll do that" Toni said she smile and Angela hug her to her side if Toni didn't feel dear to anyone she sure feels dear to her friends especially Angela they share an everlasting bond.
It was the last week in January and Toni was making arrangements to go to Texas she and the girls and their man she didn't tell Eddie of  her coming when they talked last night since today is Friday the thirty first day in January the last day in January tomorrow is a new month February and after tomorrow they'll have thirteen days before Valentine's Day and they plan on going the very same day Toni was hoping to go before because of some things she took from her mother's but the girls suggested that she mail them and picked them up when she got there the day she get there will be a Friday supernatural day so she bought the boxes to pack them in the wedding dress to it'self for he didn't want it to soil thinking that maybe she could one day rent it but she didn't want anyone wearing it only her best friends and both got married already she prays they didn't have to again only if they decided to renew their vows,
Toni pulled the ring from her finger and rest it in the small center piece since she haven't had the privilege of owning a husband it was no sense keeping the ring so she put it a side she didn't do his laundry, since she came back and they were there but she didn't touch this set she really wanted to know if her husband is really the father of Emma's child she said she didn't want to force it but it was the only option to know she wasn't seeing him to talk to him and she felt in the dark,
She had packed more than on suitcases to take on the plane she might come down the other day but she might go again soon, she sat down to rest and call the postal company to find out of the service they use to send large packages abroad she gave details of the sizes and their contents as they were almost a dozen of them not all of them were heavy so they were manageable, on Tuesday before she left for work they came to collect them,  the week went by and Toni get more work she didn't know what had gotten over her but it was as if she has
lost her ability to work she even falls a sleep thinking maybe she need some help she was supposed to have workers but she always believes it's better with her she call Vincent to see if he knew of anyone interested in flowers and decor
Vincent cousin was looking for something as that Toni decided to hire her she didn't post it she only make calls to people she knew who would know someone by the  middle of the second week in February she got a team of six two truck drivers as she requested the persons can own a truck she only have the van and she decided to leave it with vallery who she was leaving in charge her attitude to wards work were that of a boss and Toni needed someone who could keep the business a float as she was leaving thinking of not coming back.

CHRISTMAS IN A NEW TOWN जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें