12- plants

112 5 24

Fan's P.O.V:

The phone is ringing.

I check to see who could possibly be calling me at two in the morning. To my surprise, it's Test Tube. She was the last object I've ever expected to call. Normally it would be someone like Lightbulb or Knife. A/N: Knife because for some fucking reason he's always the first one to wake others up whenever an emergency happens. Lightbulb because she can never fucking sleep-

I hit accept and hold the phone up to my ear.

"Yes, Test Tube?"

"Meet me in my lab. Now."


"It's an emergency."

"Tell me what happened."

"First get here, Fan."

That's when it hits me. The rain outside. I'm a paper object. I can't go out in the rain.

I'll just have to use a plastic bag.

I rise from my bed, discarding the sheets with a swift motion. Hustling towards the bathroom mirror, I force a smile to mask the exhaustion and sleeplessness etched across my face. Hastily, I bolt out of the hotel room and briskly traverse until I reach the soda machine.

Gasping for air, I pause, attempting to regain my breath before entering the access code. As the side opens up, I swiftly slip into the underground lab, ready to proceed with my plans.

Test Tube is standing in front of me, her face showing a hint of shock and nervousness.

"Fan, I found something you might wanna see. Follow."

I peel off the sopping wet bag clinging to me and follow Test Tube, allowing her to lead the way. She walks a short distance until she halts in front of a particular door.

"Open it, Fan."

I slowly open the door which creaks at the slightest movement. It's hard to tell, but I'm scared as to what or who could possibly be behind the door.





Microphone's P.O.V:

I dialed Soap's number. She picks up almost immediately.


"Hey, Soap. It's time for your interview."

I could hear Soap's voice tremble from nervousness as she tried to maintain calm over the phone.

"Oh? T-that was now? I thought Test Tube was having her's today."

"Ah, no Soap. Test Tube has her interview tomorrow."

"Alright. Coming!"


I sigh and walk over to make myself a coffee. I pour in some coffee grounds and sugar as I heated up some water in the microwave. Normally, I would use a portable stove, but I never bothered bringing it.

I sigh to myself as I wait for the microwave to beep. Soap is taking longer than I anticipated. Is she alright? Did I call her at a bad time? Hopefully not.

The time seems to be ticking slowly and the only object I have in my mind is Taco. Her. I'm worried sick. She's been gone for at least more than three days now. I hope she's ok and hasn't been killed or kidnapped.

Wait. Killed? She could be...dead!?!?

I slap myself and scream. "Pull yourself together, Mic! Everyone knows who she really is. If anything, Taco would be the one killing!"

I sigh.

"Taco. Don't die out there...I need you, and I-"

I cut myself off.

"Never mind."

Moments later, as I prepare to pour the steaming hot water into the cup, a desperate pounding on the door interrupts me. It's Soap, clamoring urgently for entry.

"Soap. What's up?"

She's panting, wet from the heavy rain outside. There's a few stray leaves and even a twig on her.

I hold in my chuckles from the sight of her. Looks like it was a chaotic run for her to get here.

"How bad's the rain out there, Soap? I've noticed it got harder over the past hour."

"You don't want to know. Take it from me."

I remove the twig from her and brush off the leaves. I want to start the interview now and get it over with, but I've gotta give her a break. Maybe a nice cup of coffee...?

"You want a coffee...?"

"Oh, uhheh...no thanks. I don't drink caffeine much."

"That's fine. You want a break before we start the interview?"


I settle at the table, taking measured sips of the steaming liquid. Despite the initial bitterness of the coffee, there's a strange attraction to its flavor that manages to appeal to me.

Across from me, the pink and white soap dispenser fusses with a fabricated plant, delicately running her fingers over the leaves. Anticipating a genuine touch and subsequently discovering the artificial nature of the foliage, her disappointment becomes palpable.

Soap looks up at me, her face showing pure disapproval. "If you were going to decorate the place, the least thing you could do is make a small effort to raise a plant. They keep the oxygen clean!"

I rub my forehead in annoyance. I speak coldly to her. "I don't come around here often."

"Oh...my bad-"

Sigh. I push my swivel chair back, making it spin around a few times. It stops at the perfect view where I can see Soap.

"Let's just get this interview over with."

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