🌊| Fuck the truce. (50)

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Why do I say the things I say? It's stupid, I never think. Do I ever think? No. I do not. That's the problem with me, and why I get into all the issues I normally do.

"Darla, are you okay?" Cleo asks as I stare some more into space while setting the table. I thought since I'm here I should help around the place. "Yeah." I huff, shaking my head out of the day-dream.

Popes mom comes out, she's wearing an apron and there's a beautiful scent that is definitely her signature buffalo wings that I always love.

"Look at you, setting the table." She smiles at me as I continue placing the plates out.

"Of course, wouldn't want to miss the wings." I add, smiling brightly.

"Mhm, unlike my derelict son." She looks around. "He's usually here by now."

Suddenly Heyward storms out, he seems angry and stressed. "Which one of you stole my pistol?" He asks. "The one I keep under the register?"

My eyes widen as I look over to Cleo. She's already staring.

"Darla?" He asks, very anxious.

"No, Heyward. I was out here the entire time. Cleo, wasn't I?" I turn for support and she's nodding.

"We weren't inside at all, Mr. Heyward." Cleo shakes her head and looks at me.

"Well somebody has it, because it's gone." He yells. He storms back into the house in a huff.

Popes mom runs after him and Cleo and I immediately jump to conclusion. "Pope." We say in unison.

"He couldn't." I say after, in denial. "Pope wouldn't want to kill anyone."

"Darl, we just got to assume that's the case. Because it if is, we don't got a lot of time."
Cleo jumps down from the wooden railings. "I'll take the marina."

"I'll check down Tannyhill." I nod. "If he's not there meet back at the château, alright? I'll be there if he's not at Tanny."

She nods as we both go our separate ways.


I whistle, walking down the roads. Pope wasn't at Tannyhill, no one was. It's gotten pretty dark. I should probably just head back to the château.

On my way home, I see JJ's house.

From what I recall as a kid, there's a shortcut to the château through his front yard.

Should I take it? Yeah. Why not?

I walk up the driveway, seeing all the chairs out on the grass. The motorbike perked up on its stand.

I hum, kicking a rock among the others as I get bored of walking by myself.

I look over at the house, and shock reaches me when I see JJ lay on his couch.

I poke my gum with my tongue. Why is he sleeping outside? That's when I see the eviction notice page stuck upon his door.

"Fuck." I mumble to myself, walking up onto the porch quietly. I don't know if he's asleep or not, hopefully he is. Why didn't he tell me?

"Darla. What are you doing here?" I look over and see him stood against the mosquito netted frames.

I jump, stuttering. "Just.. checking. Is Pope here?"

"No, why would he be here?" JJ asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shrug lightly, my lips sealed together. "He uh, he took off with Heyward's pistol. Cleo and I went looking for him, she's down at the marina."

SINCERELY, YOUR DARLA. || ~ jj maybank.Where stories live. Discover now