"Nope, let's go to the car so we can go to the last place."

The walk to the car wash filled with a lot of complaining. Salem saw maybe one or two, or four other stores she wanted to go into so she bought more gifts for Damien, and a lot of makeup and skincare she wanted. Kang was now holding bags and Damien had twice as many.

"아 아 아 허리가 아프다." Kang was complaining (ohhh, my back hurts)

"야, 너 뼈가 약해." Salem said in an annoyed tone pointing to him (man you have weak bones)

Crybaby one and two finally stopped complaining and it gave Salem a sense of peace and tranquility. She didn't know how Damien would feel about the surprise but she knew he would at least have to be grateful since it was a chance to expand their business. They eventually pulled up to the building and she got out and dragged him out of the car.

"What is this?" He asked confused looking around.

"It's ours, I saw and opportunity to expand our business and make more money, Seoul is really big on technology and I already ran all the numbers it wouldn't hurt us it would only make us earn more especially since our company's products and games are popular over here, this also gives us opportunity to expand to other counties if it goes well." She looked over at him not being able to gauge his reaction.

"So, who's going to start it up?" He didn't see, upset just concerned.

"I wanted you to do it, but you don't speak Korean. I was thinking that i'd stay in Seoul a bit after the trip just to catch up and start it up and then i'll hire someone to take care of it when we're gone it's going to be hectic but I think we can do it." She looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"I know you can do it sorellina, but you tend to overwork yourself and I won't be here to stop you." He moved her freshly done braids out of her face and looked at her tenderly.

"I won't i promise, and you won't have to worry about me i have Kang, and everyone else." Kang looked up at the mention of his name and then looked back down as he realized he could barely understand the two.

"Okay fine, but as soon as you feel like you can't do it anymore i'll be back to take your place okay? Thank you for this amazing birthday gift sorellina." He picked her up and twirled her through the air while pinching her cheek.

Kang eventually took the pair home and he left after Salem made dinner. The two were sitting in the living room watching one of the many variety shows that Salem liked when they heard her intercom go off.

"Who could be here at this time of night?":She looked down at Damien sitting in the floor and he just shrugged.

She got up to go look at the intercom on the wall and to her surprise it was...Min-Ho? She immediately opened to door hopping no one saw him or her together at this time of night.

"여기서 뭐하는거야?" She said in a confused tone as she invited him in. (what are you doing here?)

"Uhhh I don't know how to put this." He waved at Damien and looked back at Salem with saddened eyes.

"Just spit it out."

"You saw my instagram post right?" He asked looking at her hopefully.

"No, not yet iI haven't been on my phone much today i've been with Damien." She started walking to the couch and gestured for him to follow. They both sat on the couch and Min-Ho sighed heavily.

"Well it was a thread of the whole group together excluding the british guy that was here, anyways that's not the point. After I posted that dispatch came out with photos of us at the airport, you know when I picked you up. Apparently they weren't going to release them because they didn't know if it was me but they just did because of my post."

If I was yours (bwam)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ