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"Well, this isn't good." Cress was not having a good day. Ferric was stabbed, the Careers were nearby, and she'd just killed someone. "Alright, Ferric, stay calm."

"Gee, thanks for the advice." Ferric hisses through his teeth as she quickly rips out the knife. "Ow! Fuck!"

"Sorry, sorry," she mumbles, quickly tearing a piece of the tarp and using her knife to cut a piece of the blanket she'd been given. She first wraps his shoulder in the blanket then seals it with the tarp. "God, that was not good."

"Your knives, where are they?" Ferric mutters, glancing up at her with glazed over eyes.

"They're- Fuck." Cress whirls around and sees the wall of trees that separates her from the dead tribute. "Still in the body. Ferric, don't move."

"Wasn't planning on it." he leans back against the tree, speargun propped up and ready to fire if someone passes by. "Me and my harpoon are ready."

"Harpoon? I thought it was a speargun?" she raises her eyebrow and he laughs before wincing.

"No, spearguns only work in the water. This is a harpoon," Ferric explains.

"Oh. Well now I feel stupid," Cress sighs before climbing up the tree and over, looking for the body.

"Cress? Jesus, Cress!" Ferric hisses. "The fuck are you doing?"

"Getting my knives, obviously. Now sh, you're going to attract attention." Cress looks around from her perch in the trees and jumps down, landing near the body. "I'm sorry." She closes the boy's eyes, letting him rest. She quickly rips out her knives and wipes them off on the leaves before a metallic whirring distracts her. She looks up and sees a ship from the Capitol lowering a big claw scoop, towards where the body was.

"Cress, hurry up." Ferric sounds anxious but she's too distracted by the large airship. It scoops up the body and retreats back into the belly of the airship as it starts flying away.

"Did you see that?" she asks, climbing back down the other side where Ferric was waiting.

"See what?" he asks, raising his eyebrow.

"..Nevermind. How's your shoulder?" she asks.

"Bleeding less now." he nods.

"Good. That's good. Okay, we'd better get a move on." Cress glances around. "How much mobility do you have in your shoulder?" Ferric tries to rotate it but stops about a quarter of the way up, wincing.

"Not a lot," he sighs, lowering his arm.

"Alright, no climbing for you then. Come on Ferric, let's go." she starts walking down the path, knife in hand and watching for threats while Ferric lags behind. He insists that he's covering the rear, but he's really just letting Cress do all the work.

"Cress, when do we get a break," he groans, leaning against a tree. "My arm is killing me."

"We get a break when we get to a relatively safe area. Which is not here." Cress moves further ahead before stopping at a gap in the trees. "You gotta see this Ferric."

"What is it?" Ferric moves to where she's standing and he doesn't look very impressed. Cress, on the other hand, is practically jumping for joy.

"It's a cave. Ferric, we found a cave!" she whisper yells excitedly. "Oh, this is amazing!"

"Cress, it's a cave." Ferric looks at her like she's gone crazy, which isn't a stretch at this point.

"Yeah, it's a cave! In a forest!" When he doesn't look as elated at her, she sighs. "You don't seem to see what I see, so forget about it. Just get in the damn cave."

The Flying Fish (Exocoetidae)|| Finnick Odair X Fem!OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora