Tribute Parade

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"Welcome to the Capitol." Both Cress and Ferric stared out the windows of the train with wonder plain on their faces. as they passed through the dam that separated the Capitol from the rest of the world. Opulent buildings made of glass and steel blinded them, and the loud cheers of the citizens rang in the busy streets as they passed.

"Who are they cheering for?" Ferric asks, putting his hand on the window and causing the women in the crowd to yelling louder. Before Finnick can respond, Cress chimes in almost in a daze.

"Us. They're cheering for us." She glances towards the two men beside her. "The tributes." She looks back out the window, picking her way through the throngs of people trying to get a glimpse of both her and Ferric. "Are the other trains arriving at the same time as us?"

"Sorry sweetheart, but that's classified." Finnick winks, causing Cress to roll her eyes and hide a smile. "Just kidding. I actually don't know."

"Damn," Ferric mutters before continuing to wave at the crowd. He even makes a muscle for them, causing the girls to squeal excitedly.

"Quit showing off." Cress rolls her eyes at his flexing. "It's weird."

"What, you jealous Bronzetide?" he smirks, flexing his biceps again.

"Gross, Amberfall, gross." Cress rolls her eyes, ignorant of Finnick's stare that jumps between the two tributes.

"Alright, wrap it up." Finnick claps his hands, motioning for both of them to move down to the exit area. "We're almost here." Both Cress and Ferric follow Finnick to where they disembark from the train, observing the throng of people waiting for their arrival in the station.

"Um, how are we getting through that crowd?" Cress asks, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Finnick?" Ferric asks, looking at their mentor expectantly.

"You'll see," Finnick says, grinning. A few moments later, the crowd parts and Peacekeepers come through to guide them.

"Oh, I see." Cress nods as the doors slide open. Finnick leads both of them through with Peacekeepers at their sides. Cress glances around the station, people are yelling her name, trying to reach her through the Peacekeepers.

"Wow," Ferric whispers, waving to the crowd with a big grin on his face. "This is.."

"Incredibly claustrophobic," Cress mutters, unconsciously grabbing onto Finnick's arm to keep herself from getting swallowed up by the crowd. "No comments Odair."

"I would never, Birdie." Finnick winks, guiding her through the crowd. Ferric grasps her other hand, both men leading her into the building where the crowd was locked out. Finnick notices Ferric gripping her other hand and tightens his own grip slightly on her wrist. Cress lets out a sigh of relief as soon as she's inside the building.

"Well, that was hell," she mutters, stretching and cracking various joints in her body.

"What do you mean, that was awesome!" Ferric exclaims, face lit up with a half smirk. "Did you see the way they were cheering, they love us!"

"Yeah." Cress glances towards Finnick, then back at Ferric. "So, what now?"

"Now it's time for primping and preparing," Finnick says, and two groups, three people per group, come towards us.

"Hello, hello dears, we're your stylists! My name is Cerise Wellbrand, and I am your stylist!" the lady, Cerise, smiles at Ferric. She starts yapping a million miles an hour to Ferric, who listened intently.

"I'm Sorrel, your stylist," the man quietly introduces himself to Cress, shaking her hand. "This is Tazzel, and that is Saffrin." Sorrel points to the two people accompanying him. Tazzel had bright blue hair and pure white eyes, while Saffrin had ebony skin and pink irises. Tazzel waves excitedly, his blue curls bouncing with the movement, while Saffrin just nods her head in acknowledgement.

The Flying Fish (Exocoetidae)|| Finnick Odair X Fem!OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora