We Both Get Noticed by Our Dads... For the first time ever

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Percy's POV:
I can't say I remember much of last night, I was exhausted and I passed out about 15 minutes into the campfire. I thought I remembered saying something to Ileana, but it was so hazy I can't say for sure if it were a dream or if it were reality.

She looked so pretty last night, her golden hair shining in the firelight, her blue eyes and pale skin glowing in its golden light.

I was currently lying in my sleeping bag in the Hermes cabin, trying to postpone the training session Luke had mentioned he wanted to have with me today.

"Get up, blondie," the familiar voice of Ileana called out, followed by the feeling of what felt like a kick to my leg, which was only slightly cushioned by the thin sleeping bag. I let out a groan of protest before I turned in my sleeping bag to face the ceiling, noticing the cobwebs in the rafters up above.

"Don't you have a training session with Luke today?" She said, remembering a snippet of what I'd told her when we were walking to the campfire yesterday.

"Yeah..." I mumble back, barely audible.

"Well then come on! You don't want to make a bad impression on the other campers already do you?" She has a point, so I reluctantly pick myself up and roll up
my sleeping bag.

"Hey, isn't there capture the flag today? I vaguely remember Grover mentioning it yesterday." Ileana says to me as she waits for me to finish getting ready.

"Yeah, that's why Luke wanted to train with me so early, so I wouldn't be completely unprepared for capture the flag." I explain to her, when suddenly I see Luke walk over from his bed, "Hey Percy. Are you ready for us to see what you can do?" I nod, but I think of Ileana, "Yup. But, what'll Ileana do? Is she going to train too?" I ask Luke.

"I was thinking about that, would you like to come along with me and Percy?" Luke asks her.

"Oh sure, what exactly are we going to do?" Ileana asks Luke, a flushed look on her face from the sudden invitation.

"You'll see." He says back to us, walking out the door of the cabin as we follow behind.

"First stop is going to be the Archery station." Luke says as he looks back at us with a smile. As we follow him down from the cabins, I see the archers up ahead in the distance, shooting each target perfectly in the middle.

Ileana seems to take note of my expression and asks Luke, "Those are the children of Apollo right?"

"Yep, the best archers at camp. I mean it makes sense, Apollo is recognized to be the god of archery." He answers, as we enter the area. Luke walks over to a little station and picks up two arrows and two bows, handing both me and Ileana one each.

"Have you ever used a bow and arrow before Percy Jackson?" Ileana says watching as I hold the bow.

"No...why?" I ask, confused at her amused expression. "You're holding it backwards blondie" she says laughing.

"Bet I'm still gonna hit more bullseyes than you though." I tell her, watching as her lips curl up into a smile and her eyes roll at my remark.

"So, who wants to go first?" Luke asks us. "Me! I'll go first. Watch and learn Ileana." I say as Luke helps me position the bow in the right direction and place the arrow down. I take a deep breath, focusing in on the target that stands in front of me, although my hands are unusually unstable. 3...2...1 and the arrow went in the complete opposite direction. A scream came from the people training next to us as the arrow flew, barely missing them.

"That's not supposed to happen is it..." I ask Luke, but judging from where the arrow landed I think I already know the answer.

"You know what, it's okay not everyone is great at archery!" Luke says, putting his hand on my arm trying to comfort me as Ileana stands behind him laughing like a madman.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭 - percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now