[8]Cavalry Battle!

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As you finish catching your breath, you look over and see Midoriya. "Hey Midoriya, Great job, especially that mine trick." You say, shooting him a small smile as you walk up to him.

"O-O-Oh, t-thanks [Y/N]." Midoriya stutters out, his cheeks flaring up as he turns away from you.

"Deku! [Y/N]! You two were amazing!" Uraraka praised as she ran up to the two of you.

As the two of them talked, your attention was drawn elsewhere, namely the finish line, as you noticed Yaoyorozu exiting the tunnel, looking exhausted. "Is everything alright, Yao..." You start before noticing what was wrong.

"Wohoo! Two birds with one stone." Mineta exclaimed as he clung to Yaoyorozu's back, using his quirk. "I'm a geni-" He begins to brag, but is cut off when he feels your hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he's met by you glaring down at him.

"Mineta." You say as you grip his shoulder tighten. "Let go now." At this point, all the color drains from Mineta as he quickly releases his grip on Yaoyorozu and speeds away.

"Thank you, Hikari." Yaoyorozu said with a sigh as she turned to face you. You wince sightly at your last name before your face reddens thanks to her opened gym uniform. Quickly, you turn your face to look away.

"It's no problem, really, and please just call me [Y/N]." You say still looking away. "Also, you should probably zip your uniform back up."

Now it was Yaoyorozu's turn to blush as she quickly rezipped her uniform. "R-Right sorry." She stuttered in embarrassment.

Following this, the two of you shared some small talk before yours, and everyone else's attention was drawn to Midnight as she proceeded with the event.

"The first game of the first years is finally over! And what a game it was! Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?" Midnight exclaimed as a giant screen lit up behind her, revealing everyone's placement. "Only the top will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine."

"Now the real fun is about to begin!" Midnight said, hyping up the crowd as the screen behind her once again changed to the spinning wheel. "Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture. Prepare yourself for this!" She exclaimed as the wheel came to a stop.


"A cavalry battle? I'm terrible at those..." Kaminari grumbled.

"Huh, it's not an individual event. I wonder how they'll split us up." Tsu commented

"Allow me to explain! The participants will form teams of two to four people as they see fit." Midnight explained as the screen behind her changed once again, this time depicting Thirteen, Present Mic, Snipe, and All Might demonstrating the formation. "In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course."

"I get it, a point-based system like the entrance exams. That seems pretty simple." Sato said.

"So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it." Uraraka pointed out.

"Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you." Midnight interjected with a crack of her whip. "Now then, the point assignments go up by increments of five, starting from the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten. And the point value assigned to the first-place contestant is ten million!"

"That's right! It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!" Midnight exclaimed as everyone turned their gaze towards poor Midoriya, glaring at the green haired boy with murderous intent. "Now then. These are the rules that you'll abide by. The game itself will last fifteen minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing. Even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up."

Oni [BNHA x Male Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя