Mixed Signals

499 17 11

Ghost's whiny barks wake me up. I drowsily sit up from my couch. I look around, confused as to why I'm in my living room. Then, the events of last night replay in my head.

Larry! I should go check on him.

Tap Tap, Tap, Tap Tap Tap

There's light knocking at my door. I recognize the rhythm right away.


I groan and make my way to the door.

I really don't want Sal to see me right now. I mean, I literally just woke up! I'm wearing fluffy black and pink Kuromi pajama shorts, a black tank top, and my bunny slippers. My hair is so messy right now, too! I feel so ugly and childish, oh my God..

I open the door, and I'm greeted by the sight of Sal. He's wearing his blue hair down, a black band t-shirt over a black and red striped long-sleeve, black cargo pants, and his every day blue converse.

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to smooth it down, "Good morning, Sally." I say, my tired morning voice giving away the fact that I just woke up.

Sal looks down at me, his blue eyes gleaming, "Morning, (Y/N). Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you so early. I just wanted to see if you were up."

I feel butterflies in my stomach.

Why do I feel happy that he chose to visit me first thing this early Saturday morning.. And why am I feeding my delusions?!

"I'm up now," I smile up at him.

"Heh.. I-I like your pajamas. Did you want to eat breakfast togeth-"

Then, his eyes dart from me to behind me. His gleaming eyes dull down as he reverts his gaze back to me, "Oh.. S-Sorry, I-"

I look behind me and I see a shirtless Larry walking out of my room, yawning and stretching.

"Mornin', apples of my eye." He greets us, grinning, making his way to my bathroom.

I look at Sal again, and his eyes are already focused on me.

"I.. Didn't mean to interrupt." He says in a rather short tone before turning around and starting to walk away, back towards his apartment.

My stomach drops.

Wait. Is he...?

"Sally, wait!" I chase after him, grabbing his wrist as he's walking away, "You weren't 'interrupting' anything, silly." I say, trying to pull him back towards my apartment.

He gently pulls his arm out of my grip, "...It seemed like it."

...Is he jealous?

I laugh, trying to act as normal as possible, "Ew! Well, I would never! Plus," I lower my voice, "I only let Larry spend the night because he showed up at my door in the middle of the night, high and drunk out of his mind. I'm offended you would even think I'd ever like him," I try to explain myself.

"..His shirt was off, and he came out of your room, though." Sal's body is half turned as he speaks to me.

Why does he care? Could he... No.

My eyes are slightly wide as I look up at Sal's eyes, "I slept on my couch with Ghost, Sally. I let Larry sleep in my bed because the boy could barely even talk."

I hope it doesn't seem like I'm over explaining or like I'm trying to overly convince him that I don't like Larry. I really don't want Sal to know I like him.. But I also don't want Sal to think I like anyone else.. Ugh, I'm embarrassing myself.

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