Chapter 3: The Second Survivor

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Mike snatched his hatchet from his bag. He turned around and faced the screeching beloth. Once it got close enough to Mike, he slashed the hatchet into the beloths head. The green ooze started to come out, it convulsed, and died.
Mike's next objective was to get out of the room. He searched around the room for a different exit. He saw a ceiling tile missing so he grabbed some boxes, stacked them, and climbed into the ceiling. He had to be careful because the ceiling was fragile and he could easily fall through it. He made it to the ceiling in the hallway. He looked into the cracks and still saw the patients searching for him.

Suddenly, Mike's phone started to ring. Mike scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket to turn it off. The patients started to get closer to him. He had to shut it off fast. He saw who was calling him. It was Kai, one of the backup officers that came to the scene earlier. Mike was bewildered but declined it as soon as he saw the name. Then—the phone slipped out of his hands! It fell through the ceiling and onto the floor. It alerted the patients and they ran over to it. They picked it up to investigate. They then looked upwards and saw Mike looking down back at them. The patients dropped the phone onto the floor and started to form a way to get up to him. Mike swung his hatchet out of his bag and jumped out of the ceiling. He angled the hatchet so when he fell, the hatchet would go through one of the patient's head. CHUNK! The hatchet sunk into the patient's head. Mike yanked the hatchet out and the patient went tumbling to the floor.

Mike proceeded to swing his hatchet uncontrollably so the patients kept moving back further and further. Mike backed them into a lab room and locked the door.
Mike was finally safe. It was now time to investigate how Kai called him. Mike picked his semi-cracked phone off the floor and called back Kai. He answered! "I have so many questions right now but the first and most important one is...WHERE ARE YOU!" Mike shouted.

"Don't worry. I'm safe. Just come to 10th Street when you get the chance and I'll tell you everything," Kai informed.

"I'm heading your way right now."

Mike exited the lab room and bolted for the entrance of the building. The closer that Mike got to the door, he noticed that outside looked different. The sky was red and there were many abandoned cars on the road. Just as if someone was driving them then they disappeared. Mike was so confused but he was hoping that Kai could answer his questions. Mike ran and ran until he reached 10th Street. He turned down it and there were 15 beloths tumbling over each other to get inside a 4-story, boarded up building. Mike figured that was were Kai is. Mike was worried for Kai but he didn't know what to do since the beloths were covering the entrance. Kai then called Mike.

"Hey, I see you through the second story window. Go through the back door on 9th Street instead."

"Ok, will do," Mike answered. Mike sprinted to the previous street. It was empty so he ran down 9th Street to the building from 10th Street. Once he found the building, he knocked on the back door three times. Kai peeked open the door. Once he saw Mike standing there, Kai quickly pulled him in. "Now, for my questions. How did you get here?!" Mike demanded Kai.

"When the portal went unstable, all of us went by it to defend the others from the beloths coming through. It was a short battle. Only a few minutes. But unfortunately, one of the backup officers died in the process. The portal then sucked all of us in. Somehow we ended up here but all in different places. So far, I've only found you. I haven't tried calling any of the others yet." Kai informed.

"Ok, well we need to do that ASAP. Next question, what is this place?"

"I'm not quite sure. As you can see, it's basically Earth but abandoned with a bunch of these beloth creatures roaming around. Personally, I call it The Other Side since it's a mirrored version of our world." Kai answered

"Hm, interesting. How long have you been here?" Mike asked.

"About 4 days. I thought everyone else died already but I just thought of calling people today." Kai chuckled.

"Well aren't you smart," Mike said sarcastically.

"Let me show you around my base, Fort Survivor!" Kai said excitedly.

"Wow interesting but fitting name." Mike said. Kai went over to the corner and showed Mike the base computer.

"How the crap did you get a computer to work here?!" Mike asked Kai puzzledly.

"I just took the computers from ChemX and fixed them up. I also took many parts from ChemX to build trackers for everyone. Here is yours. I'll give the rest of them their trackers if we find them." Kai answered. Kai then handed over a circular device with a small, red button.

"Oh, thanks bro," Mike thanked Kai.

"That button there is an emergency button. Only press it if your are in lethal danger! It alerts the rest of us that you need help." Kai exclaimed.
"Yea I figured. Let's start calling the rest of the backup officers to see where they are." Mike demanded.

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