Chapter 1: Project 57

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It was a peaceful day in Washington, DC in 2095. Mike, a 37 year old male, a police chief, and martial artist, went outside to check his mailbox after a long day at work. He even still had his uniform on. He opened the mailbox and saw a letter with a stamp across it that said, "US Government Private Property. Open Immediately." Mike snatched the letter and sped inside to open it. Nervously shaking, Mike sat down at his dinner table. He proceeded to open it and it was from ChemX, a government testing lab. He read it as fast as he could and the jist of the letter was that they wanted him to come in to be the security of a portal test they were conducting. The public has heard of this experiment and it has been labeled as "Project 57." Many bad incidents have happened with this experiment. The portal has been unstable and people have been taken through it. A few make it back but most die inside. The people who come back describe it as the same world, but abandoned. Zombies and beloths, hairy red eyed skeleton looking creatures, roamed the abandoned frontier. Mike was scared out of his britches to be security for this project but he was forced to. Mike went ahead and packed his Glock 19, AR-15, ammo, a silencer, a hatchet, and any other survival supplies in a black duffel bag just in case he got trapped in the portal. Mike clearly is a pessimistic kind of person. He loaded the bag into the car and headed to ChemX. Little did he know that this would be the last time he would leave his house for a while.

Once he got to ChemX, he went to the front desk to get his security badge to bypass all the locked doors.

"Good luck. Your room is Room 38 on the right," the receptionist informed.

"Thank you," Mike said.

Mike was off down the long hallway of rooms. The whole hallway was white and and had what seemed like an infinite amount of rooms. He looked for Room 38 and once he found it, he swiped his card on the door and it unlocked. He pushed open the heavy security door and a cold chill went all over his body. There were scientists with white full body hazmat suits on. They were all gathered around the center console on the metal platform that faced the portal. There were a set of stairs leading down to the portal on both sides of the console. There was a red emergency light on top of the entrance door. It wasn't lit up and Mike wanted it to stay that way.

"Hey Mike!" the head scientist yelled. "Glad you could make it. We really needed you."

"Yeah of course," Mike answered.

"Just stay by the door and we will call you over if we nee—Oh no!" the head scientist screamed. The emergency light was flashing red. There was an extremely loud siren going off as well. "Call backup! The portal is unstable again" the head scientist yelled to Mike.

"We need backup in Room 38 stat. The portal is unstable!" Mike screamed over his radio while his mind was racing. Everyone in the room was racing around trying to make it stable again. The 6 backup officers arrived right when the worst started to happen.

"They're coming through!" the head scientist screamed.

"What's coming through?" Mike asked.


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