Chapter 2: The Other Lab

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It was dark. All Mike could hear was an eerie screeching, groaning noise in the background. He opened his eyes and he was lying face up in the lab room. It was empty and ran down. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Mike asked. No one answered and all it did was echo through the abandoned testing lab. The screeching got louder. Whatever it was, was getting closer. Mike still had his duffle bag with him. He was relieved. He quickly scrambled to get his Glock 19 out of his bag. He stood up and aimed it at the wall. The thing he was hearing appeared. It was a beloth. He sent two shots through it. One in the head and the other through the ribs. The beloth went tumbling to the floor and lay silent.

All of a sudden, Mike got lightheaded. He was getting flashbacks of what happened. He saw himself and his backup run towards the portal to hold off the beloths. He and his backup shot their AR-15s into the beloths that were halfway through the portal. The scientists kept yelling to get away but they kept shooting. One of the officers screamed to the scientists to evacuate the building. That's when the unthinkable happened. Mike and the officers disappeared through the portal...

Mike woke up to a beloth on top of him. He was face to face with the thing he just shot. Green ooze ran down the beloth's head and dripped onto Mike's ear. Mike and the beloth wrestled. Mike pinned the beloth to the floor, shoved his glock through the puncture wound of his first shot before, and blew 4 more shots through it. The beloth instantly started to convulse and eventually died.

Mike got up and cleared the room. While he was clearing the room, he was pondering, "If my backup and I all went through the portal, I must not be alone in here! I have hope!" The room was clear so Mike went into the hallway. He cleared the hallway and went to the front desk. He saw a beloth sleeping right where the receptionist would have been. Mike sneakily went through the staff door into the receptionist's area. He snuck up behind the beloth, twisted his silencer onto his glock, pointed it point-blank at the beloth's head, and proceeded to shoot out 3 bullets. Like the first beloth, it convulsed and died. Mike holstered his gun, jumped over the counter, and headed upstairs.

Upstairs is where they would have held insane asylum patients. Recently, in the real world, they had to transfer them from the asylum to ChemX to perform tests on them because they were getting too dangerous. Mike peeked around the corner after he climbed to the second story. He saw all the asylum patients. They were standing, staring at each other. Mike walked into the hallway because they seemed harmless at this state they were in. Their necks were chained to the wall behind them. Suddenly, the patients jolted their heads towards Mike and started growling. The growling got louder and louder until they started to scream and try to escape. One of them jerked on their chains so hard that they broke their neck and died in the process. The patients climbed on the bars and started to shake them. The bars were loosening fast so Mike ran downstairs and locked himself in a lab room.
He heard a moaning behind him so he turned his head while placing his hand on his pistol. He saw a beloth staring straight at him. Mike slowly pulled his pistol out and aimed. He pressed the trigger and nothing came out. The beloth was infuriated so it screeched and ran towards him. Mike turned around to open the door but it locked behind him. He quickly saw through the window that all the patients had escaped and were roaming around the downstairs, looking for Mike. He was trapped.

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