First Use of Goldly Powers

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Laura's POV

Jay, Eleanor, Jasmine and Isaac had escaped. Everyone was unhappy about that, but I was glad they got away for some reason. As much as they did those things, they admitted and accepted their crimes, but instead, they stayed by our side and helped us fight our battle against the Doves. At the moment, Nate was holding a meeting on what they must do, whether they should send people out to find them or send out a wanted poster for every pack to keep an eye out for.

I chose not to be part of that meeting, knowing that I would argue that they should leave, but if Maxim were there, he would throw a fit like a child. But I had something important to look at for tomorrow's meeting; I know the Alphas and Lunas would discover I'm a goddess, so I want to use my powers for something suitable for everyone, especially the werewolves.

"Here's the last box," Liam groaned as he dropped the box on the long table. "Now, why are you interested in the past cases?" He asked, staring at all the boxes that covered the long library table.

"I want to find cases where wolves killed their mates or killed themselves because they didn't want to mate their soulmate," I said as I opened the box in front of me.

"Also, don't forget cases where a mate rejects their soulmates," Mrs Powell said as she approached the table and looked down at the boxes. "So we have to look at all these files?" She asked, groaning under her breath.

I asked Liam and Mrs Powell to help me collect data on cases concerning soulmates; I felt I needed to know if it was just Kelly and Jay who thought they didn't have a choice. I wanted to gather enough information for tomorrow's meeting so that I can bring it up to raise awareness and also hear their input on these cases. "Okay... Let's get started," I said, and we started.

Case after case, I read statements and reasoning from rejection to murder. As the hours passed by, my heart ached for the lost souls and those harmed for someone's desire. We recorded and collected each case for tomorrow. It was midnight, we had collected a lot of files and recorded them for tomorrow's making, and I was shocked to see a lot was collected. It's surprising to know there were still more, especially from recent cases.

But we had had enough, so I told Liam and Mrs Powell and called it a night. Before heading to bed, I checked on my babies, from Hades to the twins. I wouldn't want them to feel forced to love someone they didn't want to, but there was no need to rush into mating. However, I thought about when I met Nate; of course, I felt an attraction to him even though I was afraid he would reject me.

I remembered the elders pressuring Nate and me to mate even though we wanted to take our time, but then there were our wolves. They, too, were not helping, especially since they were eager to mate. We got our ups and downs but stayed strong because of our love and mate pull. Five years later, Nate and I are still happily in love.

The following morning, Nate and I had to prepare for the meeting, which was being held in one of Nate's hotels, where the Alphas and their mates were staying. Also, my family, who came to visit us and see the twins, was surprised that Pete and Chloe also had twins four years ago, and now I have my twins. Afterwards, Nate and I had breakfast with Hades, and I made sure the girls were fed; we left our pups in the care of nannies and the protection of the guards.

During our hour-and-a-half ride to the hotel, Nate and I talked about the agendas of the meeting. The number one discussion was about the Doves, which still haunts Nate. He may be happy again, but deep down, he thought about John. Once we made it to the hotel, we went straight to the conference room. When we arrived, everyone was already there in their respective seats, and as Nate and I walked in, heading to the centre front, they rose to their feet and bowed their heads.

Nate helped me as I took my seat, and he took his seat next to me, "You may all take your seat." Nate said, and everyone did; I glanced around to see a familiar sandy blonde curly hair and dark eyes. Pete grinned my way, and I smiled back at him.

"We come together to discuss an important concern not only us wolves but also the supernatural community. We all have one threat, and we must be conscientious about what we do to protect our packs." Nate said in a severe and cold tone, and then he opened his file that was placed on the table, which everyone had. "Please open the files before you," he said.

The turning of pages echoed through the quiet room, and murmuring began to rumble. I opened the file in front of me, and the first thing I saw was a picture of the Doves' badge. "They call themselves Doves, an organization created to end all 'monsters' from the earth, and it was created by Rebekah, a turned vampire that went rogue." As Nate spoke, I heard the people in the room murmuring amongst themselves as they flipped more pages of the file.

"Their first hunt was the vampires," I flipped the other, and when I saw the picture of a dead vampire, I quickly closed the file, and Nate noticed. "These hunters have weapons to kill or harm not only vampires but also us; detailed information is in the files, and when you have time, you must read this. Last month, we had a mission to attack their hideaway. We won the battle and killed Rebekah. However, others escaped, and one of them was a powerful witch who mixed science and magic to make the Dove's weapons. This building we attacked seemed to be a research and development site. This is the beginning, Alphas, and we must do everything possible to stop the Doves and protect our packs."

"I hate to say this, but... We don't have any location or clue for finding these Doves, but we must not show the enemy that we are afraid and must never back down. Think about the lives of our pack, your family and friends! We an enemy out there." I saw Nate's hand clenched into a fist; I placed my hand on top of his clenched hand, calming him.

Alphas began to ask questions, and Nate tried to answer them, trying not to lose his temper because thinking about the Doves just angered him. But he had to ensure they understood that the situation was actual and must be taken seriously because Doves were out there. We were still determining their next plan. When all questions were answered, I was next up with my concern.

"I stayed up last night doing some research, and I must have forgotten how I would bring up this subject that has me concerned about the lives of my wolves," I spoke, sounding a bit nervous and wondering how they felt about this decision. Also, how would they feel when they find out that their Luna Queen was the moon goddess? "Each year, the number of cases concerning mating either a mate killing their mate or their love or rejection because of love. I don't know what you think about a generation of werewolves that can choose whom they love and choose to mate them without being pressured by their inner wolf's voice to mate."

Everyone started murmuring amongst themselves, and Nate glanced at me in confusion. I hadn't told him because I didn't want to get the wrong idea that I was unsure about our relationship. "Of course, when they have chosen the one they want to spend the rest of their lives with, they can mark each other and perform the whole mating process like the old ways. The difference is that they had a choice on who they love."

Alpha stood and bowed, "But Luna Queen, isn't a soulmate enough to ease one's worry? Why would they love another?" She asked.

"Indeed, sounds simple, but do you know how to die or become rogue because of loving another?" She shook her head, "Last year it was two hundred and fifty died in the hands of their mate, then hundred and twenty-five became rogues." Murmuring rose, of course, they wouldn't know because they didn't care. "So I ask everyone, should I save the young generation from this fate of heartbreak?" 

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