Chapter One

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"Fuck!" I grunted out loud from the brutal punch impacted on my left cheek. My two feets dangled carelessly as I collided unto a desk in the classroom.

I winced in pain, maliciously thinking of possible ways of me shredding my attacker into two.




The class chanted repeatedly invoking and reiling up my morale for more bloody violence.

Holding my hands against the desk weakly, I supported myself off the desk standing completely still, staggering while I'm at it. My eyes widen in shock as I realized hot liquids of blood dripping off my nostrils. My right hand quivers feverishly as it came in contact with my bleeding nose.

"Not my nose." I muttered dreadfully, watching the red blood stains tainted at the tip of my fingers.




Still looking at my bloody fingers, the room twirl round me in slow motion making me feel nauseous and sick. I looked towards Beth my attacker, standing right there in the middle of the chaotic crowd staring back at me with a satisfied smirk on her lips. Her eyes full of spitefulness and distaste towards me but there was this glint of satisfaction written in her eyes.

Bitch was glad she got me badly injured. If she only knew what was coming next.

I smiled towards her lightly. My smile slowly turning into a smirk, an evil smirk.

My smirk widen as Beth eyebrows raised up questionable at me making me laugh out loud like a maniac.

I laughed loudly like a deranged lady which made the whole class grew silent for a moment. Even the noise and range of my laughter subdued their roaring chants.

"You really have some nerves to laugh huh? After what you did to me?" Beth grouching voice boomed up.

I stopped laughing abruptly, staring dead towards Beth, tinting my head to the side slowly at her.

"What did I really do to you, Beth?" I asked monotoned. "I did nothing wrong to you."

"You stole from me numerous times and I didn't bat an eyelash about it, why? Because I thought you were my friend but stealing my mom's expensive jewelry while visiting our house, Eva? You totally crossed the line here." Beth growled.

I folded my arms giving Beth an uninterested look.

"Well I suppose you could ignore this once again and pretend anything ever happened, Beth....."


"Yeah, I said what I said, Beth." I gave Beth a straight face as she scoffs out giving me a look of disbelief.

"You really are shameless, aren't you?"

"Of course I'm shameless, Beth. There's really nothing to be ashamed of. It is very clear you're well to do than me in so many levels so stealing a few amount of diamond bracelets from your house wouldn't hurt that much, would it?" I ended that with a sinister smile.

I could feel the judgemental whispers and stare from crowd bore holes into me but I couldn't care less. I've longed ago gotten over the depressing feeling of public opinion towards me now I feel like a log of wood just laying around the floor doing nothing, feeling nothing.

I could see the hate in Beth's eyes slowly turning into hurt as she stares at me unbelievably. She really did thought of me as friend well, too bad I didn't.

Oddly I find that satisfying.

"I trusted you, Eva." Beth shook her head slowly looking at me, feeling betrayed. "Even when I noticed the sudden disappearance of my money and stuffs whenever you came around me, I still made myself believe you wouldn't do something like that to me. I thought of you as good friend."

"Well that's where you had it all wrong." I shrugged. "I needed your money and expensive stuffs and I got all of that right under your nose Beth, so whatcha gonna do about it? You always show off your goodies to me knowing fully well I have nothing and what? You expect me to stay still and do nothing about it? If there's one thing I don't regret at all and that is looting from the rich." I let out a laugh of mockery. "Don't blame me for being too gullible."

With that she landed a hard slap on my face which made my head cracked to my side sharply, feeling my tooth crack a little inside my mouth. I could taste the rusty flavour of blood squishing out from my tongue.

"You evil bitch." Beth cursed at me, breathing heavily with a hard stare.

I spat out blood from my mouth down towards the floor.

I chuckled lightly in anger.

My blood boiled with rage and all I could see is red. I was so ready to kill at that moment.

"I wish you die and go to hell." Beth added.

"Well, too bad you're going to beat me at that." My eyes narrowed at her. "Say hello to the devil for me, Beth."

I bumped my forehead unto her's brutally making her stagger a few steps backwards. Without giving her a chance to react, I jumped at her throwing us hard on the floor strandling her.

The crowd was roaring in excitement at this moment, urging us to fight more. I threw a few quick punches at her face giving her a taste of her own medicine while she groans in pain, trying hard to push me off her.

She forcefully shoves me off her body knocking me off to her side. She gets up to sit on me but I reacted quickly kicking her on the stomach as she falls down flat. I jumped at her for the second time this time strangling her on the neck with my bare hands choking her while she gasped harshly for air.

"Help." She wheezed out weakly making me snort.

"Now you want help huh? After causing trouble now you want help!?" I yelled into her face, my hands not letting go of her neck. "Guess what, Beth? No one's gonna help you. Today you die by my hands." I sneered.

"What's going on here?" The Principal's voice came off.

My hands let go of Beth's neck immediately. All students around us scurried off to their desks leaving me exposed in the middle of the class sitting on top of Beth whom was gasping for air.

The Principal gave me a hard glare from the classroom's door and in that moment, I knew....I fucked up!

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